Fracking Spill into Pine Creek?

MHanes wrote:
I am done talking to the wall please send me the keys to your car, and your home heating fuel bill so I can get your gas shut off for ya. Also if you enjoy having light to tie flies I suggest you get rid of the lamp that lights your bench and quit using electricity.

I do feel it needs to be properly managed and there have been some issues and the pipeline instilation has been one of them. Lets. We need to be real fracking gas wells is not new! Do some research on that it has been fracking in some for or another has been done in PA since the 1950's

If we would all rally around making sure it gets done right and is properly managed we would get a lot more positive response from the indusdry. Many of those that work for these companies are normal people making a living like all of us they have families and enjoy the outdoors. They don't want to cause problems and pollute. They try to do everything they can to prevent accidents. If we can come to the relaiziation that hey we can't stop it from happening but we can make sure things are done right and managed properly we are all better. The realization is with the number of wells that have been drilled in the last 5 years there are very few problems you just don't hear about all the wells and companies that have done thing the right way.

please let me know when is the best time to shut off your gas and how riding horse back to work is in the dead of winter.

Bikerfish and many others that complain about the gas wells on here have a right to do so, IMHO.

At the very least, understand they live in the middle of all the bedlam caused by the gas rush, and I'm sure they didn't bargain for that when they chose to live in a rual community. No doubt homeowners in and around athe area took a big hit on their property values.

They have legitimite concerns about their health and the health of their families.

And last but not least, they are concerned about the impact on the environment, both short and long term.

THEY are the ones making the sacrifice (involuntarily in most cases) so YOU can turn up your thermostat and save money to heat your home in a nice clean, quiet and unspoiled community.

Just my 2.
If we would all rally around making sure it gets done right and is properly managed we would get a lot more positive response from the indusdry

This is what they are trying to prevent. The companies want to take out the gas that can be extracted cheaply and walk away with zero accountability. They don't want monitoring and accountability.

please let me know when is the best time to shut off your gas and how riding horse back to work is in the dead of winter.

Give me a break. There are energy solutions that are not only cleaner but also cheaper. Nuclear power is the obvious example.
midnightangler wrote:
There are energy solutions that are not only cleaner but also cheaper. Nuclear power is the obvious example.

Unfortunately we can't build any and some of the ones in service may be shutting down soon.

I have lived in the gas patch area all my life its a part of everyday life. I see the trucks fueling up every moring, I have a high pressure gas line in my back yard. Brookville has had an a few companies move into the area to service the industry. I also just so happen to be the pressident of my local TU..

I am also on the few members of this site that is not hiding behind some fake name. You can find out who I am and what I do for conservation efforts pretty easily. I am not blowing smoke I understand the industry and the process much better than your average Joe. And I am also willing to talk over issues and concerns in person and have many times.

I am a major proponate of proper management and I do understand some may feel that they got a raw deal one way or another and I have sympathy for that. What I dont have sympathy for are those that hide behind a fake name and really have no understading of the regualtions and oversights that are in place. Complaining about repersentivies and making comments about water contamination that has in many cases proven to not be an issue and not happening at the rate many of you would seem to believe is not helping anything. Your best bet is to open the lines of communication with the industry and reach an agreeement everyone can live with. Be visible and monitor your local streams and make it known that we are watching and seeing what is happening on our streams on a weekly daily basis.

Thinking the answer is neuclar power right now is a nobal idea but for the short term its not practical we would need to build and approve numerious facilities and build them which is no easy or cheap task.

I really think this forum should move to using real name. It would make things a lot easier for the mods and administrators to keep things in check. Hiding behind a fake name is the mark of a coward in my book.
MHanes wrote:

I have lived in the gas patch area all my life its a part of everyday life. I see the trucks fueling up every moring, I have a high pressure gas line in my back yard. Brookville has had an a few companies move into the area to service the industry. I also just so happen to be the pressident of my local TU..

I am also on the few members of this site that is not hiding behind some fake name. You can find out who I am and what I do for conservation efforts pretty easily. I am not blowing smoke I understand the industry and the process much better than your average Joe. And I am also willing to talk over issues and concerns in person and have many times.

I am a major proponate of proper management and I do understand some may feel that they got a raw deal one way or another and I have sympathy for that. What I dont have sympathy for are those that hide behind a fake name and really have no understading of the regualtions and oversights that are in place. Complaining about repersentivies and making comments about water contamination that has in many cases proven to not be an issue and not happening at the rate many of you would seem to believe is not helping anything. Your best bet is to open the lines of communication with the industry and reach an agreeement everyone can live with. Be visible and monitor your local streams and make it known that we are watching and seeing what is happening on our streams on a weekly daily basis.

Thinking the answer is neuclar power right now is a nobal idea but for the short term its not practical we would need to build and approve numerious facilities and build them which is no easy or cheap task.

I really think this forum should move to using real name. It would make things a lot easier for the mods and administrators to keep things in check. Hiding behind a fake name is the mark of a coward in my book.

Fair enough about the nattie gas situation.

The name thing on the site is a no-go, I believe.
Shame about the name thing it really keeps a lot of the garbage and wastefull post from getting out of hand. It would be a great thing for the site if done and I have seen the results on other sites and it really improved them.

MHanes wrote:
Shame about the name thing it really keeps a lot of the garbage and wastefull post from getting out of hand. It would be a great thing for the site if done and I have seen the results on other sites and it really improved them.

I've also seen arguments on one site spill over onto another. Also some instances of personal threats. The current approach for screen names isn't fully anonymous. Many of use have been to one or another of the group jams.
we call each other names all the time on here, then get together at a jam and drink beers and fish together! yes, we really do.
I don't "hide" behind a fake name, you are more than welcome to know my real name if ya want.

yes, many of us get worked up, sorry, but that's just how it is sometimes when something you don't care for takes over the place you live. I was born and raised in quiet country surrounding, and I like to remain in those surroundings. I don't want to live in an industrial zone, not my idea of a nice life. I understand the economic benefits and the energy problems, doesn't mean I have to LIKE it, and I have as much right to dislike it and ***** about it as you do for liking it and standing up for it.
As for regulations and oversights, yes, they are getting better, I'd like to think partly as a result of people asking questions and caring what happens and pressuring our elected officials.
what would happen if everyone turned a blind eye towards things, gas related or not? One example is when the drilling got started in PA, many reports of drivers dumping waste water illegally, but guess what, we don't hear about those incidents much anymore. WHY? because people cared and spoke up when they thought something was wrong, and regulations got put in place.

so if we used real names, what would change? would we not be allowed to voice our opinion? would we be censored if we wrote anything you didn't agree with? what difference would it make for the mods? if they don't like what is written, they can delete it regardless of a real name or not.
I'm not even gonna start with the coward thing.
Anyone who would clearly identify themselves to include name, address, etc has completely lost their minds and has no idea of the consequences of social media and it's impact on real life. The concept that "real names" (what are you going to do check drivers license) creates a garbage filter is utterly ridiculous. My name is Mike Hunt. Prove it's not.
The idea that there are people on this forum "hiding behind a fake name" is absurd. People on this forum have my address from fly swaps, etc. The same can probably be said for half the people on here, at least the ones who post regularly. It's the internet. Nobody uses their real name.

MHanes wrote:
I am done talking to the wall please send me the keys to your car, and your home heating fuel bill so I can get your gas shut off for ya. Also if you enjoy having light to tie flies I suggest you get rid of the lamp that lights your bench and quit using electricity.

I do feel it needs to be properly managed and there have been some issues and the pipeline instilation has been one of them. Lets. We need to be real fracking gas wells is not new! Do some research on that it has been fracking in some for or another has been done in PA since the 1950's

If we would all rally around making sure it gets done right and is properly managed we would get a lot more positive response from the indusdry. Many of those that work for these companies are normal people making a living like all of us they have families and enjoy the outdoors. They don't want to cause problems and pollute. They try to do everything they can to prevent accidents. If we can come to the relaiziation that hey we can't stop it from happening but we can make sure things are done right and managed properly we are all better. The realization is with the number of wells that have been drilled in the last 5 years there are very few problems you just don't hear about all the wells and companies that have done thing the right way.

please let me know when is the best time to shut off your gas and how riding horse back to work is in the dead of winter.

I don't think anyone has called for the complete cessation of gas extraction. Shallow wells were never a topic of discussion. The concern is the safety and supervision when or adding dangerous ingredients to the environment without adequate control of the different forms of pollution.
jdaddy wrote:
Anyone who would clearly identify themselves to include name, address, etc has completely lost their minds and has no idea of the consequences of social media and it's impact on real life. The concept that "real names" (what are you going to do check drivers license) creates a garbage filter is utterly ridiculous. My name is Mike Hunt. Prove it's not.

Here is an example where using real names could lead to problems.

Johnny Flyfisher contributes to many threads on the forum including topics on hunting, fishing trips, items for sale, etc. Johnny uses his full real name on the site. Johnny happens to be listed in the local phone directory. Johnny also posts a nice shotgun in the sale section. Johnny then mentions he is taking the family to Yellowstone for a week to fly fish. With just a bit of surfing an unregistered browser puts all this together and visits Johnny's house that week to see what other nice items Johnny may have.

Could a thief gather up all that info and target someone based on info posted on a forum? Probably but they would have to invest a lot more time to connect all the dots if screen names are used.
Its just an observation I have noticed sites that have real names seem to be more business and less BS. Guys don't burn spots and troll on those sites simply because they don't have the internet muscles that come with a fake name.

Sorry I really feel that IMHO this site could be better if it was that way. I know it won't change.
Shallow wells were never a topic of discussion. The concern is the safety and supervision when or adding dangerous ingredients to the environment without adequate control of the different forms of pollution.

Fail to see the distinction. Ingredients and chemicals are the same for shallow gas as for Marcellus. Forms of pollution also the same.

Now, if not the type, then the degree of danger, yes, is hugely different. Higher pressures = higher likelihood of failures and accidents. And should it occur, the amount of water is FAR greater, thus also more contaminants, and capability for more damage. Also, the non-accidental impacts are larger. Larger pads = more siltation, many more trucks tearing up roads, etc.
I have noticed sites that have real names seem to be more business and less BS.

Do any sites aside from TroutLegend actually use that model? That site is basically a niche community of people who are interested competitive FF.

Guys don't burn spots and troll on those sites simply because they don't have the internet muscles that come with a fake name.

Does hosting tournaments on streams and encouraging people to attend them count as spot-burning? That seems to be the main purpose of TroutLegend. Hosting tournaments on wild trout streams during spawning season is worse than spot burning. Having 20 anglers wade through the redds is great stewardship.

I'm sure you'd be banned pretty fast if you decided to raise (valid) points about the ethics of competitive fly fishing on TroutLegend, real name or not. That is a pretty insular community over there. At least here we can have a healthy debate about issues.

I encourage you to sign up and get the debate started over there. I am not going to deal with any debate about it on here. Espically someone hiding behind a screen name. It just proves my point.

I have never seen or been apart of any compeition where anglers waded through reds. Also before you make judjement I urge you to check out a local event you might be very suprised by what you see and how they are run.
I encourage you to sign up and get the debate started over there. I am not going to deal with any debate about it on here. Espically someone hiding behind a screen name. It just proves my point.

Now that you know who I am, perhaps you'll reconsider.

Note that subsurface transport phenomena is my DIRECT area of expertise.
begone with ya then, if we're not worth debating with.
go to your "truthfull" forum.
ours is just pretend anyways, nothing here is real.
bye bye.