MHanes wrote:
I am done talking to the wall please send me the keys to your car, and your home heating fuel bill so I can get your gas shut off for ya. Also if you enjoy having light to tie flies I suggest you get rid of the lamp that lights your bench and quit using electricity.
I do feel it needs to be properly managed and there have been some issues and the pipeline instilation has been one of them. Lets. We need to be real fracking gas wells is not new! Do some research on that it has been fracking in some for or another has been done in PA since the 1950's
If we would all rally around making sure it gets done right and is properly managed we would get a lot more positive response from the indusdry. Many of those that work for these companies are normal people making a living like all of us they have families and enjoy the outdoors. They don't want to cause problems and pollute. They try to do everything they can to prevent accidents. If we can come to the relaiziation that hey we can't stop it from happening but we can make sure things are done right and managed properly we are all better. The realization is with the number of wells that have been drilled in the last 5 years there are very few problems you just don't hear about all the wells and companies that have done thing the right way.
please let me know when is the best time to shut off your gas and how riding horse back to work is in the dead of winter.
Bikerfish and many others that complain about the gas wells on here have a right to do so, IMHO.
At the very least, understand they live in the middle of all the bedlam caused by the gas rush, and I'm sure they didn't bargain for that when they chose to live in a rual community. No doubt homeowners in and around athe area took a big hit on their property values.
They have legitimite concerns about their health and the health of their families.
And last but not least, they are concerned about the impact on the environment, both short and long term.
THEY are the ones making the sacrifice (involuntarily in most cases) so YOU can turn up your thermostat and save money to heat your home in a nice clean, quiet and unspoiled community.
Just my 2.