Frackin Fluids



Jul 25, 2007
Want to know whats in them? Start here.
Thats quite a cocktail. Swimming pool cleaner, biocide, bleach, plastic, laundry soap,citric acid, anti-freeze, glass cleaner.....its sounds alot worse whenever you don't use their fancy names.
Sucks...... All that #OOPS# flowing into your fav.fishin water! Nah couldn't be. Big oil and gas and or the gov wouldn't let that happen! :roll:
it can get into your well also, and you can be drinking it without even knowing it, THAT is the scary part. and then the gas company just has to say, "it wasn't us". this is why laws need to be drafted for accountability in case this type of thing happens.
folks, this is WAY beyond trout fishing
News article about helping monitor gas well development:
be nice if this type of program extends to some other locations, maybe for some of us "northerners"! I'd gladly attend something like this.
Get your local watershed group to find out what they are up to and model a program after it. The Mountain Watershed Association is a good group that have been protecting their region for quite a few years and they are pretty astute in what needs to be done.

Check the resources and calendar tabs here:

and check with these guys . . .
thanks jdaddy, I'll be sure to do that.
Some very interesting reading and it brings back memories and i think we were lied to for a long time about this. I worked for a company in the late 70's and early 80's doing seismic testing , at the time they told us we were taking an inventory of oil reserves but i think they were looking at Marcellus and kept it quiet for a long time , then they hit the go button.
I think they wee inventorying the gas and oil. I don;t think they lied to you. I have heard of the "shale oil and gas" since I was a little kid. Problem was that it wasn't really worth the cost back then with gas a $15 -20 dollars a barrel on the high side. With it floating around 70, 80, 90 dollars a barrel its not that big a deal any more.
they were just waiting for it to be worth the cost.
TomG......One incident i will never forget was in the Potomanc National Park , in Maryland. At the time i worked for them James Watt was Secretary of the Interior and opened up Federal Property for gas and oil exploration. We show up at the Park office like the traveling show that we were and those Rangers there refused to let us on the property , it was unreal , we sat for three days until they flew the Lieutenant Gov. in a helicopter to settle the dispute. I drove a piece of equipment similar to a logging skid , converted to carrying electronic equipment , when i drove up to the locked gate at the Park , an armed Ranger said "You're not taking that up there." 3 days later he unlocked the gate and we drove up the road. I was laid off from the Steel mill at the time , it was late 1979 early 1980.
Didn't have time yet to read:

Diesel Fuel in Frac fluids reaches 32 million gallons. That's a mere 134,000 Tons of diesel fuel.

Now having read it, the upshot is that the fracking companies will use anything and everything if it is not specifically prohibited.

Just listen to this:

A Halliburton spokeswoman said the Energy and Commerce report was inaccurate.

"Halliburton does not believe that the company's hydraulic fracturing activities have resulted in a violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act or any other federal environmental law. There are currently no requirements in the federal environmental regulations that require a company to obtain a federal permit prior to undertaking a hydraulic fracturing project using diesel," said spokeswoman Teresa Wong.
jack, go out and dump 5 gallons of diesel on the ground within sight of an EPA official and see what happens!!
they don't need a permit because they changed the rules!!
just like they are going to do here. they are in charge now, they will change the laws to make their job as easy and profitable as possible.
these people are scum of the highest level
I am told that diesel fuel is often used in fracking for shale oil or gas wells where the rock comes up to the surface with no ground table. This may well account for the majority of the use in Texas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Diesel and kerosene especially work with shale oil since any that remains gets processed out with the shale oil.

I don't see in the report if the usage was for both oil and gas or just gas.
JackM wrote:
A Halliburton spokeswoman said the Energy and Commerce report was inaccurate.

"Halliburton does not believe that the company's hydraulic fracturing activities have resulted in a violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act or any other federal environmental law. There are currently no requirements in the federal environmental regulations that require a company to obtain a federal permit prior to undertaking a hydraulic fracturing project using diesel," said spokeswoman Teresa Wong.

That is simply stunning.