Found: Net on Spring Creek


Active member
Jul 14, 2009
Today (10/24/18) I was fishing Spring Creek below Bellefonte along the Sewage Treatment Plant when I found a very nice wooden net with rubber netting. It has something written on it that is very distinctive. Let me know if it is yours and I'll get it back to you.
Please contact Juan Veruete at 814-360-7789 he can tell you what’s inscribed on the net. He’s not a member and can not post as the site is not accepting new members.


I'm Juan Veruete as posted above my my friend Mike. I just was able to register. Yes, please call me at 814-360-7789 and I can give you the exact description of the net. It holds a lot of sentimental value for me. I can tell you what a relief it is to know that it was found.
Just saw your post on facebook Juan. Glad you were able to register. PAFF has a great community of fishers.
Does anyone know "FrankTroutAngler" personally?.. feel free to pass on my information to him. It seems that he may not be on here very often.

Hello members!

I recently lost a net and FrankTroutAnlger posted about finding a net that I am positive is mine. It seems he is not on these forums often so I'm not sure that he's seen my posts or PM.

If you know him personally, please feel free to pass along my contact phone number 814-360-7789 to him. The net has a LOT of sentimental value for me. I would greatly appreciate any help in recovering it.

Thank You,
Juan Veruete
Juan - I don't personally know Frank, but I have his email address, which I will PM to you. Thanks,

I don't know him personally, but I know who he is. He posts here on occasion.

If he still has your net, I am sure he will get it back to you.

His real name is Frank Nale and is a strong advocate for spin fishing.

You can probably find info on him through google. Pretty sure he has a facebook account, but I don't do facebook... or twitter, ...

Yea, I'm a dinosaur.
I called Juan this evening (12/6/18) and it is his net. He's going to meet me on Saturday to get it from me. Thanks to this site and those on here who alerted me to the recent activity in this thread since I had pretty much forgotten about it. This story has a good ending. Thanks.

- Frank Nale -
A happy ending. Nice!