Forgotten license ?

I have the pin clipped on my sling pack. I have a copy of my fishing license and drivers license inside my pack all the time, and I have a spare fishing license in the glove box of my truck just incase.

Awesome idea on the PDF, I need to do that.
I usually leave my "original" license on my vest at my camp - where most of my excursions original from. Tomorrow I'm Bass fishing closer to home. Can I get a duplicate license on-line, or do I need to pay the nominal fee to get a replacement license? Does getting a replacement license invalidate the "original" license?
I just carry my license in my wallet at all times, and have my license button pinned on my vest. Its impossible to forget.

To answer the question: I would absolutely still fish in that scenario if found in it.

Lets just call it civil disobedience, I need to pay Jackm a retainer.
I'd fish anyway. The chances of you getting your license checked is very slim and you can explain to the officer and he will give you a few days or I think they can look you up but I'm not sure.
I took a pic of mine on my phone since I always carry my phone with me when I fish .
I am like A number of others , I made A couple copies of mine . The original is on my hat I use , but just in case I have one on another hat that is always in my truck. The third is always in my wallet. I actually like the idea of one my phone too. I will be doing that later today.
In addition to saving a pdf copy on my phone, I will print out 6-7 copies of the license and keep one in my wallet, one in my car, one in my waders, one in my kayak, one in my wading jacket, and the rest in the various packs I carry. This way I will be sure I have a copy somewhere whenever I need it and I don't have to think or worry about it again.

I have so many copies of my license that I probably have at least two copies with me at any given time. I have them in my boats, on my hat, in my tackle bags, car, everywhere. I think there's a law somewhere that's says you can only have one license.

I make a copy but I've lost it early in the year before and fished the entire season without it but I fish in deep enough your not going to see a warden.
......but does anyone know if a replacement license is a new license invalidating the original? Or is replacement synonymous with duplicate???
foxfire wrote:
......but does anyone know if a replacement license is a new license invalidating the original? Or is replacement synonymous with duplicate???

A replacement is a duplicate of the original
Same experience as Maurice, where I just fished, the WCO caught me, wrote me the cite, and then I had to mail a picture of it in within 10 days and all was well. This was 3 or 4 years ago.

I lost it again twice in the past year, and just so he knows, if he could find a Walmart, ****s or any other issuing agent, they will reprint it for you. It costs 5 bucks I think, but with the gas money already spent to get there, might be worth it and the worst thing is you will just end up with an extra copy of it.

EDIT: Sorry, I see everyone already gave you the same advice!!!
DanL wrote:
This happened to me. I just fished. Lo and behold, WCO caught me. All they do is have you fill out a citation, and they stress for you to NOT sign if your lying, and didnt really forget it at home. He even told me to keep fishing, and gave me some tips on where to go. Was at Lake Oneida in Butler County...

Then I had 10 days to send them a copy of my fishing license and all was good, if I recall.

this happened to me last month on the White Clay.

I know the WCO too. I filled out the citation and carried on fishing.

then I mailed in a copy.

unfortunately, there is no signal so I couldn't show him the license email.

my licenses are in a plastic wallet that pins to my fishing hat, so I don't have to take it out or forget it.

but I forgot the hat :lol:

I snap a photo of my license and ID next to each other for that reason. If I forget my license I still have my phone and can show I have a license. I learned this trick from a fly shop in CO.
I'd fish and wouldn't even look over my shoulder.
Given the situation described in the original post I would absolutely feel free to fish.

If you are met by a PFBC officer the official form you will be asked to sign is a "Notice of Violation" or "NOV" for short. You must sign the form attesting that you purchased a license (and any necessary permits) prior to the date & time noted on the form. If you refuse to sign the form you will be issued a citation for fishing without a license (plus any applicable citations for missing permits).

Once you sign the NOV form you have 7 days (not 10) to mail your license to the address noted on the form. You must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the PFBC officer to use to return your original license. The copy of the form given to you is a 7 day temporary license while your original copy is in transit.

Contrary to what was written in a post or two above PFBC officers may not be able to immediately access a system to verify your license status. Doing so requires a cell phone and signal coverage -- either of which might not be present at the encounter.

Whatever you do, do not lie about your license status. If you do not have a valid license (or required permits) and you sign the form you may (probably will) be charged with making false statements to an officer. The offense carries a $250 fine (plus $45.50 court costs here).
I will say, and maybe this guy felt that he had something to prove, that an officer stopped me in Spring Creek last year and I didn't have my license but pulled up the email that had my license attached from the PAFBC. He refused to accept this as legit and told me that he won't trust that for of evidence and that it's also a liability for him to hold my phone and look at it near water. I took the ticket, mailed a copy of my license in the next day, and never had to pay a dime. But just wanted to share this particular officer's perspective, as I thought it was odd.
I would have fished and not worried about being called out by a WCO because I have a copy of my license in my wallet. (An advantage of buying it online.)