For your approval or critique

foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Is this a color photo? It could easily be a toned black and white print. Interesting shot.
Brad may not like the composition but I find it dynamic. I've noticed his photos on his site all are centered (I like his too). I'm not sure if I believe there is some magic formula for composition. I think it has more to do with the personality of the photographer and the mood of the image. In this case the diffused areas are played against the the hard edge of the bridge. The subject is the fisherman I guess but he is not necessarily the first thing that jumps out which is also interesting. I would say this is a very successful composition.

The composition is fine. The fisherman is in the perfect spot. It's just when you look at the photo the bridge takes my eye away from the main subject(the fisherman). There are good rules to composition, although it's ok to break them.
Very fine picture Jared...
I do like this picture. Just one small thing. The signature is distracting. That might seem picky but consider that everything in that rectangle is either contributing or taking away from the image.
I'm really curious what the original pic looks like before editing, that's a nice shot.
"Devotion" is a great title. Not just in the way you described, but in how we sometimes think about fishing as a spiritual experience. The fog is evocative of incense burning. The angler comes to do his devotion, even in the early dawn of day or fall of evening, no matter the condition.

I had a similar experience the first time I fished Le Tort. All alone, standing at the water's edge with the fog gently rising. It is a ritual devotion.
The signature explanation is easy. He's proud of it, and it ceases illegal use of his photography.

I'm the one in the photo and I'm glad he signed it. I had an issue with someone using my picture.

I had no idea he was snapping pictures. I think that is what made it special. We joked afterwards about hating that bridge. But it is what it is :)
These days copyrights disappear in a blink of the eye. Great to see that you are trying to keep it yours. You should. Great photo. I love the composition. Doesn't look like you filtered it to death.


  • DSC_7197_1NoSig.jpg
    91.6 KB · Views: 2
Great shot. I think the bridge is an important part of making it work.
I like the picture.
Great really tells the story, including the grimace on the anglers face.

BTW, the sizing is perfect for my monitor.
The original picture was re-sized by me to 640 pixels in width. The 925 width blew the margins on my 19 inch monitor and required left-right scrolling to read replies.
I really like the shot overall. Great mood portrayed with the back-lit fog rolling around the stream. I can picture myself there rubbing the sleep from my eyes and wiggling my toes inside my boots submerged in the cold water.
Only critique I would offer is a slight clockwise rotation to make the vertical bridge pillar vertical and if you have an uncropped shot to give more head room. Although the bridge might start creeping in at that point. My personal taste would be to have equal space above his head as below his feet in the frame.
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
The signature explanation is easy. He's proud of it, and it ceases illegal use of his photography.

I'm the one in the photo and I'm glad he signed it. I had an issue with someone using my picture.

I had no idea he was snapping pictures. I think that is what made it special. We joked afterwards about hating that bridge. But it is what it is :)

Did you sign a model release? :)
He lets me fish all the nice runs. I suppose that's payment enough lol
The reason for the copyright and signature is, many large corps that sell fly fishing gear are really good at taking someones hard work and sharing it on their page with or without permission.

Or, someone else grabs it off my facebook page, and shares it with one of these big facebook pages.

This is fine, if no financial gain results, however...

What happens here is, they generate tons of likes, shares and other commercial gains, which inevitably result in financial gain. The financial gain may not be directly from the photo, but heck, it's mine and I want credit for it, even if Orvis posts it on their site and it gets 1700 likes, 100 shares from around the world, which has happened with at least a half dozen of my photos.

The photo may be nothing more than just an AGD, but that's called marketing in my book, guess that's open for opinion.

There is also a spider copyright in the photo as well, unseen by the naked eye.

The reason for the crop above his head ( and yes, I agree ) was because the top of the bridge was there. I went back and forth a few times, cropping, then backing up, until I settled there.

I can't rotate the image to make the pillar level, as then the angler wouldn't be level.


The original image is much like this one, I blurred some of the background behind the anglers head, as the f4.6 didn't quite do the job. Beyond that, cropping, dodging the lower corners a bit, and adjusting the levels. I did desaturate the image a touch.
Heberly wrote:


The original image is much like this one, I blurred some of the background behind the anglers head, as the f4.6 didn't quite do the job. Beyond that, cropping, dodging the lower corners a bit, and adjusting the levels. I did desaturate the image a touch.

That wasn't me. You're responding to someone else's question.
troutbert wrote:
Heberly wrote:


The original image is much like this one, I blurred some of the background behind the anglers head, as the f4.6 didn't quite do the job. Beyond that, cropping, dodging the lower corners a bit, and adjusting the levels. I did desaturate the image a touch.

That wasn't me. You're responding to someone else's question.

Tomitrout, sorry in a hurry today
JackM wrote:

I like that the rest of the story is left to the imagination, which is why the fog is so perfect a commentary.

nice comment Jack. I agree.

you could almost title it "Meditation". definitely something Zen about it imho.
Pay no attention to the . Its a great picture. Perfect.
Great pic.