fly tying symposium.


Thanks for the info. I will probably wait and go to the January show and also to Lancaster since I can stay with my bro-in-law there.

I wish I could have met more of you at the symposium today. I did get to meet Gaeron and was quite impressed with his tying. He taught me a new trick with spaneflex that I can't wait to try out. There were definitely fewer vendors this year. I didn't find much but still managed to blow my budget by 100%. I finally bought a CDL cape and some odds and ends. Talked with a few of the tyers but stayed away from those scary Swedes. The stuff they were tying was just unbelievable.
Gotta love the CDL

Stopped over at your table on Sun to say hi but you were'nt there that day. Talked to your buddy a little. I was set up down in the far exit corner from you. Had a good time at the show. I'll look you up at the next show.