fly tying symposium.

surveyor06 wrote:
I may be going.

Will you be promoting Ice Dubbing for Hareline? :)

Anyone up for a noon time get together for sammiches and a beer on Saturday?
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Anyone up for a noon time get together for sammiches and a beer on Saturday?

Either that or an AZN buffet en route to home. Let's see who's willing to rally for the noon session. Seems like we make that suggestion every year and every year it washes out.
gfen wrote:
Either that or an AZN buffet en route to home. Let's see who's willing to rally for the noon session.

You have been trained well. :cool:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
gfen wrote:
Either that or an AZN buffet en route to home. Let's see who's willing to rally for the noon session.

You have been trained well. :cool:

I ain't following you back at 100mph again though.

It appears there's no AZN buffet in that general area, which is sad. A post symp hog out would be nice with most of these people. Well, some of these people. OK, a couple of these people.

OK, me. You, I suppose. Do we have to invite Shane?
I plan on going i have only missed one year since they moved the tying show from the meadowlands where it was held for a
few years.I actually enjoy the Tying Symposium way better than the regular Flyfishing Show in January.Also for thoose who can't go the flyfishing show that is held in somerset will also be held in Lancaster this year unfortunately it won't be held in Valley Forge like last year.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
P.S. Wet Fly { Dave Allenbaugh} is a good egg, also has some decent wetfly dvd's and ties a mean wetfly also.
...and I'm out. I've decided since I don't need to buy anything I may as well save the entrance fee and gas money for [d]stri[/d] the january tackle show so I can buy rod making nonsense.

Or maybe coz there's no OldLefty. Its not the same without him.

Or something.

HA, tell George I said Hi since I told him earlier I was coming by.

For WetFly (and Firandfeather), hopefully I'll catch you two in January.
gfen wrote:
HA, tell George I said Hi since I told him earlier I was coming by.

Will do.

Amazingly, my shopping list has been growing longer every day. Let me know if you need/want anything from there.

I may be flying solo, as I haven't heard a peep from Sparky. He must still be mad at me from the Steelhead Jam. :roll:

Tell me you pushed him in!

I'm gonna need hooks this winter, but nothing that can't wait til January, which is pretty much the reason. Anything I might need I can do in Jan, which I want to take in because I want to get rod building bits and sort of want to eyeball stuff so I know what I'm doing.

That and my day of opporuntity was Saturday, and the seminars didn't excite me. Sunday's sound better, but I have Wife and kids that day.

Wish i could go - have kid duties saturday though.

I can wait until somerset in january though... I'll make that my trip.
I thought I had someone that woudl go with me but he can't get off of work. Bummer. Might have to wait until January to go.
How is this show on Sunday. I might have someone to go with on Sunday. Is it worth the trip down, are the deals any better later in the day?
Well lookie what I saw....

Congratulations Gaeron! You looked right at home at the Symposium. You've even got a blond groupie chick. ;-)

Your ties looked very good - I'd certainly fish 'em. I'm really proud of you, and look forward to seeing you tying there every year. Way to go!



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Were there any good buys?
GS, I have been trying to figure out if I wanted to go tomorrow. I just got off the phone with HA and he said he did not think it would be worthwhile. 90% tiers and 10% vendors, and the vendors did not have much. Take from that what you want. I am gonna go fishing instead.
Quick recap
I had a good time. Some great tiers and I learned a few cool tricks. Gaeron and HA, good to finally meet you guys. The swedes had some sick bugs. Spent way too much at Kevin's booth. Not really any good deals. Grizzly saddles were there, but for $70! I was hoping I could pick up some 100 pack hooks for cheap but that didn't happen.

Hit the LL afterwards and caught a handful of finicky trout. Good day.

gentleshepherd wrote:
Were there any good buys?

There was not a lot of tying stuff - not nearly the amount of vendors as the January show.

There were good deals available from Collin's Hackle, and Performance Flies had some $1 and $2 bargain bins, but nothing else that really interested me. I wound up getting about 1/3 of the items on my shopping list.

This show is housed entirely in the Doubletree Hotel, so there just wasn't enough room for the larger vendors to display their goods. Some of them had additional stuff in storage bins due to lack of display space.

If you like seeing friends and some nice tying, it was worth it. Lots of PAFF members in attendance. That alone made the trip worth it to me. YMMV....

dub - meeting you was one of the highlights of the day for me. Looking forward to fishing with you - soon!

I DID get to talk with April Volkey's boyfriend - he's the one with his eyes open. :-D


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H-A, You have the picture's uplaoded already! Lol, and the nymph for sure, looks a little rough, but it'll probably be worth its weight in gold if there's only 1. The partridge guy stopped by a couple more times to give me some more stuff. Ekich requested for me to try out his bobbin to. And, the most exciting of all, a got a fly order for 8 dozen flies. I saw RowJimmy, but I didn't say hi. Sorry, I don't know why I didn't.
gaeronf wrote:
Ekich requested for me to try out his bobbin to.

Wow. Faruk is gonna give you a $100 bobbin? Cool!

I had one of those some years back, and just couldn't get used to relieving the tension all the time. If you get one, try to keep your thread tag as short as possible to delay having to do that. It was also a bit annoying to apply additional tension to the spool with your palm. I sold mine to a friend....

If you're looking to spend big bucks on a bobbin, the Petitjean TT bobbin is pretty awesome. The only thing I don't like about it is that you have to hold it so the thread groove faces away from you. The thread "clicks" otherwise as you wrap. Definitely one sweet tool though, and half the price of the Ekich bobbin - if ya actually have to pay for it. ;-)
He didn't give it to me, and I doubt he will. I think he was hoping after I tried tying with it that it'd end up on my X-Mas list...