Fly Fishing Tackle Shops

It's pretty much just like the fishing info shared on this site. Most of us will freely post things about the large well know streams - that really isn't much of a secret anyway.
However, when it comes to some really good scoop - or info about small WT streams - we share that only with members that we've gotten to know and fish with.
Kind of like the bait shops at the shore. I get the feeling they are simply telling you what's "working" because that's what they have to sell.

I go into to small shops only when I absolutly need something not for advice. While I don't mind a little fishing banter generally I want to get in and get out. As a savvy consumer if a shop is not utilizing the Internet then they are not offering competitive prices and it does not bother me if they stay open or if they close. I'm not paying extra for a lack of keeping up with the times unless some kind of great emergency arises. Most times the small shops don't even have what im looking for and end up substituting with something that comes a close second.

This may sound cold hearted but its tuff to beat shopping from your living room, paying less or the same and having your stuff delivered to your door. That's customer service.
It is important to note even though some feel they do not need the local shop a good shop is of much value to any angler and the new or out of town angler can get a jump start on some good fishing. Buying from the internet has closed more shops then any other reason. Local shops can help with rod repairs ,local patterns , stream conditions and many other needed services that internet or box stores can not offer. Also you are not paying extra but the internet is cutting prices due to no overhead and other reasons. Most anglers enjoy going into a small shop and talking shop. Perhaps it is like going to your local barber and having a good discussion. Anyone who has traveled any distance only to find they forgot something important for the day can understand the importance of such business.
Do your take your own parts to your mechanic? Do you ask him how you should fix your own car?
I'm sure most fly shops sell more tippet, leaders, flies, etc. than high dollar rods, reels and Abel nippers. I think that's the business model.
They need to be supported. Don't ask for FREE advice from someone trying to earn a living.
AkDan76 wrote:
A quality shop may need sales, but you buying a spool for 1.50 of thread just for some information, isn't going to keep that door open!

Couldn't agree more. I always feel a moral obligation to purchase something in a fly shop when asking advice, but it is more of a "goodwill gesture" than anything. The profit margin for these shops isn't in a few flies or small terminal tackle, but in rods, gear, etc.
Some of the destination shops do a large chunk of business in "terminal tackle", i.e flies, leaders and tippet, split shot, floatant, etc.

And some sell granola bars, and sunscreen, and bug spray and T-shirts and other stuff.

Many of these items have a pretty good margin, and during the busy season they move a lot of it. So, go ahead, buy some of that stuff. They're happy to sell it to you, and for destination shops that's a big part of their business.

Also, you can support these shops all year. When you are tying in the winter, you can buy from those guys. After a while they'll start remembering you, i.e. you become a regular customer. When you stop in there in May or June, introduce yourself.

Many shops do not have an online store, but you can still buy stuff via phone and credit card, and they'll ship it to you.

If they give you good info, support them. And if you support them, they'll give you good info. It's just basic common sense that it would work that way.

There is a somewhat local shop I like to go to but it's more to kill some time and buy a few small things. The big things are so overpriced that I simply will not buy from them. Kudos to the shops that use the Internet and are still open. They rolled with the times and have a good business model. With the Internet I can repair my own rods, tie my own flies, I can read about hatches for any area of the state or country I wish to fish. A local shop dealing with local people only is sure to fail and sure not to have what I'm looking for at a price I'm willing to pay.

But if your in a local shop asking questions then absolutely courtesy suggests a purchase of something.
poopdeck wrote:
A local shop dealing with local people only is sure to fail and sure not to have what I'm looking for at a price I'm willing to pay.

But if your in a local shop asking questions then absolutely courtesy suggests a purchase of something.

I definitely agree with this. But, I will re-emphasize that any commercial establishment that will depend on this (maybe wrong to have called it "charity") IS DOOMED TO FAILURE.