Fly Fishing So Hot Right Now

gozu wrote:
Now’s the time to corner the market on skinny waders.

For the win.

Skinny waders = guide pants. Amirite?

Next up:

Organic hemp fly lines.

Birkenstock wading shoes.

You heard it here first.

Someone is bent out of shape because someone else is fishing in an urban setting? And someone else is bent out of shape because someone else is bent out of shape because someone else is fishing in an urban setting?

I gotta be missing something... Or need to figure out how to get perturbed about nothing?
salmonoid wrote:
Someone is bent out of shape because someone else is fishing in an urban setting? And someone else is bent out of shape because someone else is bent out of shape because someone else is fishing in an urban setting?

I gotta be missing something... Or need to figure out how to get perturbed about nothing?

“Someone is wrong on the Internet.”

Salmonoid wrote:
I gotta be missing something... Or need to figure out how to get perturbed about nothing?

Ask the OP how to do that.

To someone who actually wants to see more people take up fly fishing and has made a serious personal effort to make that happen, posts like this aren't "nothing". Sorry Kevin if I am indeed bent out of shape.

This entire thread should be deleted IMO. I promise to post an actual fishing story if it is deleted, maybe even about urban fly angling. It has no point whatsoever other than the OP to insult people who want to fly fish their own way and whine about new agey social media stuff. It's embarrassing and slandered someone who is as humble and genuinely interested in the sport as you will find. Way to go, I guess.
I’m hardly perturbed. I saw a goofy infomercial for fly fishing in a mainstream periodical and figured I’d share it on this here fly fishing forum.

The article is a terrible stream of cliches to promote boutique fly fishing. I’m not into it, and I have no problem taking a critical stance on that. If you wanna go fishing on a chartered bus with flat screen TVs and artisanal baked goods, hell, do your thing.

You’re offended? Ok... The mods can delete this offensive thread if they see it necessary.

So you can't like fly fishing and flat screens and artisan bread? Whats the difference if you take a bus or drive your own car? I guess you would be surprised to know that a lot of people living in NYC don't own cars. Not because they can't afford them but because they have little need for one. I'm having a hard time understanding your logic on boutique fly fishing. There are no shortages of fly fishing groups, clubs and PAC's anywhere in the country yet you take a critical stance on this one.
poopdeck wrote:
So you can't like fly fishing and flat screens and artisan bread?

I love all these things. In fact, I often make my own artisan bread. I just don't like them all at the same time.;-)

For the life of me, I can't see why anyone would be upset at this thread. But I'll bet someone will be upset because I wrote that.

Such sensitivity.

One more thing. IPAs and Starbuck's coffee both suck, separately or together.

Just saying.

P.S. The above is just general statement. Poopdeck, I've conversed enough with you on here to know that you likely are not upset. Our views are likely similar. I may not partake in things described in the article, but if I was unfortunate enough to have to live in the city, I might. To each their own.

I have friends in a notable Catskills Club and fish there one or two times a year. Sparse Gray Hackle was a member and the lodge is a cool, historic place.

There is/was a gentle divide between the members of the old school (was maybe because those old timers are disappearing)and new people about food. The old timers would burn a few hot dogs on the grill and wash them down with a Budweiser and finish the day smoking cigars and drinking scotch on the porch. The new people tend to go for fine food washed down with a good wine and like artisanal cheese and bread snacks. Some put on quite a spread for the mid day slowdown in fishing.

But at the end of the day, all love fly fishing and fishing stories cross the divide easily. All tell lies and like to share their special fly patterns.
hmmm, so I wonder what is the acceptable stereotype for flyfishing nowadays?

flat brims, buffs, waterproof sling packs and Sage's latest & greatest?

tweed, cane and Hardy satchel?

hippers, vest, chestbox and dad's Fenwick?

cutoffs, Chuck Taylors and an old Wonderod?

Subaru, Tacoma or a beater 80's F-150 or Scout?

PBR, Hi-Life or craft IPA?

Fine scotch, boutique bourbon or a mason of WV white lightning?

Pipe, cigar or CO's finest herb?

It's all so hard to keep track of...
I just sometimes just get tired of the negativity portrayed towards others that might be doing something different than the norm - we're all here to catch fish, have fun, and enjoy nature. That article wasn't meant for the majority of fly fisherman on this forum, and although I find it filled with cliches as well, but I could care less because they are targetting a specific audience, and wish them success in targetting the types of people they are going after as it will hopefully draw more recognition/participation to the sport. Tenkara, boutique fly fishing, etc. - just do it responsibly and legally and at the end of the day I couldn't give a hoot if you're eating artisan bread on a bus or smoking a cigar sipping whiskey eating burnt hot dogs camping out of a tent, just glad we are getting more recognition and involvement in the sport.

I'm on the way younger side of probably most people on this forum, and I'm not offended, and not really being sensitive, just trying to remind people to have an open mind in this sport. We all have opinions - but do we need to share them on a public forum where people new to fly fishing might end up as they begin their search for new information on a sport they would like to pursue? Does it look good for us and the sport to mock such introductory articles (that aren't meant for us anyways), and show how close-minded we can be? So just my opinion - to each their own (as we have all said) - and I respect all of your opinions as well. I've learned a ton from joining this forum, and from people being so welcoming that they will go out of their way to meet up and share their years of experience and knowledge with me, and I hope to return the favor to others new to the sport one day as well.

PS - tomitrout - I laughed hard at that...
bradtheflyfisherman wrote:
I just sometimes just get tired of the negativity portrayed towards others that might be doing something different than the norm - we're all here to catch fish, have fun, and enjoy nature. That article wasn't meant for the majority of fly fisherman on this forum, and although I find it filled with cliches as well, but I could care less because they are targetting a specific audience, and wish them success in targetting the types of people they are going after as it will hopefully draw more recognition/participation to the sport. Tenkara, boutique fly fishing, etc. - just do it responsibly and legally and at the end of the day I couldn't give a hoot if you're eating artisan bread on a bus or smoking a cigar sipping whiskey eating burnt hot dogs camping out of a tent, just glad we are getting more recognition and involvement in the sport.

I'm on the way younger side of probably most people on this forum, and I'm not offended, and not really being sensitive, just trying to remind people to have an open mind in this sport. We all have opinions - but do we need to share them on a public forum where people new to fly fishing might end up as they begin their search for new information on a sport they would like to pursue? Does it look good for us and the sport to mock such introductory articles (that aren't meant for us anyways), and show how close-minded we can be? So just my opinion - to each their own (as we have all said) - and I respect all of your opinions as well. I've learned a ton from joining this forum, and from people being so welcoming that they will go out of their way to meet up and share their years of experience and knowledge with me, and I hope to return the favor to others new to the sport one day as well.

PS - tomitrout - I laughed hard at that...

^ good post above

and TT is a funny FFer
I chalk it up to the "pounce" mentality today which is exacerbated by the ease it is to espouse a differing opinion on the Internet.

In other words, "I hate you 'cause everyone is doing it"

In my world, if you fish, you are OK even though I may chuckle to myself at times. However, I'd be happy to share a PBR, fancy micro, dram of scotch, boutique bourbon, a hunk of artisan bread or a snort of Old Crow with anyone. :pint:


FarmerDave wrote:
One more thing. IPAs and Starbuck's coffee both suck, separately or together.

Just saying.
Great one Dave!! :-D
I'm surprised anyone had much to say about this. It seemed to be a rather harmless post.

I think a post about old guys would be tougher to take. I am increasingly finding it difficult to figure out where -- or even if -- I fit into today's fly-fishing culture.

I think tomi was on target: It's so hard to keep track of.