Fly Fishing Magazine



New member
Mar 21, 2007
I was wondering what everybody favorite fly fishing magazines are.
I like Fly Tier. They do a nice job covering fundementals, specific patterns, new stuff and the kind of tying that guys do "just for nice".

Aside from that, not too much. I sort of like the FBC's magaizine because it covers PA. And Outdoor News for the same reason. But after a while all the magazines start to sound alike.
I'll second Fly tier for the same reasons. I really like the Pa Angler & Boater as well, because I hear there are some really good writers in that one :-D Also anything that talks about local waters or waters I plan to fish I tend to take an interest in reading.
The Drake
My favorite is the Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide. It covers all the areas I fish, has just as inforamtive articles as the glossy mags and is a much better value ;)

My favorites are:

Fly Fishing & Tying Journal

Fly Tyer

Fly Rod & Reel

Also Trout, which is the TU publication.
I like Fly tyer and American Angler and FBC's magazine, though when did waterways become water"trails"?
1 fly fishing & tying journal
2 flyrod & reel
3 american angler
I second the Drake. Bruno, I think it was you who turned me on to it a few months ago when you posted about the film contest. I've got the latest two issues and it's amazing. Beautiful pictures, very interesting and unique articles. I just wish it came out every month.
Coughlin wrote:
when did waterways become water"trails"?

They're only referring to bodies of water that are for kayaking and canoeing. Theres a only a short list that they're considering water trails. There was an article done in either May/June or July/August of 2005 that had a write up about water trails for kayaking and canoeing and that was the first I heard of this term.
I think I have subscribed to most of them at some point over the last two decades and I have enjoyed them all. Back in the eighties I got frustrated with Flyfisherman since their articles seemed to me to be too focused on the West but I have since returned to this mag and enjoy it. I also like Fish & Fly and Rod & Reel. I tried subscribing to Eastern Flyfishing for awhile. Although a good magazine, their definition of "eastern" was very broad and some of their articles were a bit too "kiss and tell" for my taste. They also published a couple articles, including one on the Letort, that I found contained misinformation.
Although not excusively fly fishing, some other favorites of mine are:
Shallow Water Angler
Gray's Sporting Journal
Sporting Classics
Florida Sportsman
Thanks for the clarification.
Remembering this thread, I recently picked up a copy of "The Drake." Many thanks to those who recommended it. I particularly enjoyed "The Thrill of the Poach."

Ask some of your fishing buddies for old copies, they all rock!!! You can order back issues on the Drake website if you can't find any local.
This is a new online fly-fishing magazine. Its a great read, and unique in the fact that sound and links are incorporated into the articles...
I don't like any of them, they all publish crap. I'll exclude Trout because it is NOT a Fly Fishing Mag, but none of them satisfy my reading needs.
dude that thisisfly is 100 pages of advertisements. it has nice pictures (i like the moosejaw one myself :-x ) but is like fishing spam.
Coughlin wrote:
I like Fly tyer and American Angler and FBC's magazine, though when did waterways become water"trails"?

That one's easy! Water trails came about when someone at the PFBC realized that fishing license sales are going down, but canoeing is going up and therefore revenue from the boat tags.

Oh and did you hear that when McCoy Dam comes out on Spring Creek they will be putting in a big parking area and canoe launching pads?

Revenue enhancement baby!