Fly fishing for smallmouth



New member
Dec 8, 2013
What are some places that you ff for smallmouth and what flies do you find the most effective. Just want some more places to try this year.
Where are you from? Generally speaking there's stream SM fishing relatively close to just about anywhere in PA. Would help to narrow down our responses.

As far as flies...Buggers, Clousers, and Poppers. All you'll need.
I live in Dauphin (Krayfish's nephew)
Hey, welcome! You're in a pretty good spot then! Kray will surely get you into plenty of them this year! He knows his spots, but you're in a good area for Smallies. The Susky, Juniata, Shermans, Conodoguinet, Wiconisco, and Swatara are all close by and are all at least decent Smallie water. If you guys wanna hit the Swatara this Summer, let me know.
Alright I will see but we were definetly looking to float the swattie so we can figure something out then
Have him take you down to the narrows in dauphin. He knows where its at. smallmouth city down there.
We floated that three times this fall really nice section and it seems like the susky is making a come back

Welcome! I am rather new here too and Kray has provided excellent advice on all things ff! He's a good guy and very informative. Glad to see you on board paff!
Hey Elijah,

Just ask your uncle... you probably don't realize this yet, but he knows EVERYTHING (;
I will call your uncle and set you guys up with some good spots to float within an hour of where you guys live.
Thanks, Nick and lol ya he knows so much just seeing what other people have to say. Also thanks for the boat will be put to good use
I can't really help you with where as I generally fish for trout in PA, not smallmouth. I always have poppers, buggers, baitfish, and crayfish patterns in my smallmouth box. Colors that work well are White, white and red, Olive over white, olive, black, yellow, tan (for crayfish) and blue (popper). Good luck and welcome.
I saw you lived in dauphin. I live in Millersburg. I fly fish for bass on the lowcer end of the Wiconisco and Mahantango creeks. I have allot of success fishing a big white bugger and small poppers
Oh boy, looks like the youngster is going to keep you guys busy. I think this question might have been generated by me taking him to the PFBC booth on Saturday and making sure we were both up to speed on the smallmouth regulations for this spring. Basically Sunbury to Lancaster on the Susky is closed to bass fishing from sometime in early May until June 15th or so. Yes, it's illegal to even target them for C&R. The regs apply to 37 miles of the Juniata as well and extend 1/2 mile into the feeders of those rivers.

I didn't want to take him down the river and end up getting our butts in a sling. We will have to stick to the non special reg waters for that time of the year or better yet, just go trout fishing or try for a pike in Memorial Lake.

PS. Expect on him having several thousand questions and I encouraged him to talk to other fishermen since they may give him a completely different take on a situation. Told him the more he learns, the better off he'll be.
If you ever find yourself up Erie way Elk Creek and 20 Mile at the mouth get some very large lake Erie Smallmouth in them.
OMG, don't tell the kid that! I refuse to drive 6 hrs for steelhead so there's no way I'm doing it for smallmouth when I can reach the Susky in less than a minute.

That kid will have me through a set of tires and rotors before May if I'm not careful.
Kray just tell him I wont send any more of those flies your way, or you could always trip the breaker to his computer