Fly Fishing Elitism (from an outsiders perspective)

Im thinking TTC got banned. Click on his profile and there is no option to DM him.

The whole profile is locked down.

Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 09-40-36 Oops! We ran into some problems. Paflyfish.png
I’m a fly fisherman. I have also been on the receiving end of some poor behavior by fly fisherman over the years. I don’t like it, I think it gives a sport that I very much enjoy a bad name. Examples of fly fisherman speaking negatively about bait fisherman on this forum are available. I lurked here for a long time before joining, and recall local residents of my area being referred to as “bubba’s” in forum discussion. It’s why I don’t golf. I’ve never been a fan of the pretentious, holier than thou attitudes.

I’ve tried my best to refrain from name calling and personal attacks, although others have not.
I would love to see some examples of "bubba" remarks?
Elitist is the exaggeration of ones own sense of self importance. One doesn't have to be rich or talented to consider themselves "elite", unfortunately. If one is considered by others to be "elite", not to be confused with "elitist", this is the measure one should consider valid.
I would love to see some examples of "bubba" remarks?
Sure thing. Here are several fine examples.
Here’s a thread that you started. We’ve got fly fisherman calling local residents hilljacks that let their kids ride atvs and “Bubba Culture” with our big loud trucks.
Look here, a poster declaring that the “I think bait chunkers and rapala tossers have more than enough waters to pillage and giving them access to DH waters is bad business.” Heaven forbid that the fly fishing elite have to share waters with lowly bait fisherman. Even referring to these bait anglers as “Bubba.”
Poster wgmiller added his own special flair to the fly fishing elitist lingo here by deaming bait fisherman as “Bubba Baitchucker”
Rural resident referred to as “Backwoods Bubba”
Let us look at some other examples of fly fisherman speaking poorly about others.
This thread about someone’s lost lures insinuates that a fly fisherman would never leave a mess behind.
Oh, this is a doozy. “Bait Slingers”, “Mullet Havin’, keep everything you catch redneck”
Here’s member Farmerdave referring to the “Traditional Anglers of PA” as Tarded Anglers of PA, who chase the trucks and use only bait”
A fishing derby called the “Redneck Derby”.
Redneck activities are environmentally destructive.
Perhaps we should just let the bait fisherman fish right in the raceways as this poster suggests. Then you wouldn’t have to share the water with them.
“Bait Chucker” reference
This poster describes what they feel bait anglers are thinking.
Apparently bait anglers also don’t understand how to release fish.
A state trooper that wouldn’t enforce the fish code, because he must be a “Bait Chucker”

Maybe calling fly fisherman elitest is the wrong term, I like pretentious much better.
Sure thing. Here are several fine examples.
Here’s a thread that you started. We’ve got fly fisherman calling local residents hilljacks that let their kids ride atvs and “Bubba Culture” with our big loud trucks.
Look here, a poster declaring that the “I think bait chunkers and rapala tossers have more than enough waters to pillage and giving them access to DH waters is bad business.” Heaven forbid that the fly fishing elite have to share waters with lowly bait fisherman. Even referring to these bait anglers as “Bubba.”
Poster wgmiller added his own special flair to the fly fishing elitist lingo here by deaming bait fisherman as “Bubba Baitchucker”
Rural resident referred to as “Backwoods Bubba”
Let us look at some other examples of fly fisherman speaking poorly about others.
This thread about someone’s lost lures insinuates that a fly fisherman would never leave a mess behind.
Oh, this is a doozy. “Bait Slingers”, “Mullet Havin’, keep everything you catch redneck”
Here’s member Farmerdave referring to the “Traditional Anglers of PA” as Tarded Anglers of PA, who chase the trucks and use only bait”
A fishing derby called the “Redneck Derby”.
Redneck activities are environmentally destructive.
Perhaps we should just let the bait fisherman fish right in the raceways as this poster suggests. Then you wouldn’t have to share the water with them.
“Bait Chucker” reference
This poster describes what they feel bait anglers are thinking.
Apparently bait anglers also don’t understand how to release fish.
A state trooper that wouldn’t enforce the fish code, because he must be a “Bait Chucker”

Maybe calling fly fisherman elitest is the wrong term, I like pretentious much better.
You spent a lot of time researching all of these! I'm not going to read all of these, but how many mention Potter County Bubba's?
It’s just a sample.
I think we should be careful about what we say and stereotyping groups. Sometimes we say things without thinking. It should apply to everyone! Remember Gypsy Moths? If your going to be politically correct, it should go both ways. I know it came up about different ethnic groups poaching. If it's truly used for identifying violators that's one thing. I know I posted on my Middle Creek report about kids fishing spinner baits. I was going to say Amish kids, but then I thought why? Did it serve any purpose? It didn't.
My best flyfishing friend has spent the summer fishing worms on the lower Conestoga. I may have to reserve the right to make fun of him.
It’s just a sample.
I moved to Galeton in Potter County in '95 & was told by Coudersport residents that Galeton was the "arm pit of Potter County". I told my daughter she was a ridge runner(she was born in Potter County) but your mom & dad will always be flatlanders. Personally I don't give a **** what you call me...... but don't be crying about being called "bubba".