Fly Fishing Club



Aug 10, 2013
Berks/Tioga County
For those of you that don't already know, I am one of the few kids on this forum, (just entered 9th grade this year), and I am always looking for a person to fish with. I'm looking for some input on the idea of me starting a fly fishing club within my school. There's already different clubs that students made this year, so it wouldn't make a difference next year, just adding another. How hard do you thing it would be to start to get going with some other kids, teaching them how to cast, basic knowledge of insects, etc? (I can get it approved by the school no problem), and possibly some ideas on how to supply everybody with a loaner rod/reel without spending a ton of money. My teachers have always tried to get me to join an extracurricular activity, but I'm not very interested in baseball, soccer, football, basketball etc. or any other clubs they have to offer. I'd really appreciate any advice on if it's a good or bad idea, being the amount of work put into it, and how to begin to teach about fly fishing, if I decide to do it.
A general fishing club rather than a fly fishing club would probably work out better, as there would be more opportunity for participation and, therefore, more interest.
Good for you wanting to start a flyfishing club. I got started flyfishing because I was in the fly tying club in 7th and 8th grade at my jr. high school. I am 56 and I still fish with one of the guys I met in that club. We were fortunate to have our gym teacher who was an experienced fly fisherman. He helped us get started tying simple flies (we supplied our own vises and materials). We also practiced casting indoors in the gym in winter and then outside in spring and then eventually several of us went with him a few times after school and fished a local stocked stream. We didn't all have fly rods but I recall sharing equipment and some guys even ended up using spinning gear when we actually went on the stream. Hopefully some adult or teacher will be interested and can help you get a club started. Depending on your location there might even be someone on this forum who could assist. Possibly contacting a local TU chapter would be helpful. Please keep us updated on how you make out with this idea.
I would get in touch with your local fly shop,, they might be willing to assist.
I'd say it's a good idea to start a fly fishing club at your school. I didn't have a fly fishing club in my school, but I indirectly got involved in fly fishing from a school club (my Dad was taught fly tying, fishing, and casting from such a club as you described, in the same school, just many years earlier, and my Dad then taught me when I wanted to learn).

I think GaeronF(sp?) started a club at his school. You might want to get in contact with him and/or use the search feature. In addition to others' suggestions, you might want to contact PSU to see if they can help you with equipment deals on their old equipment, or pathways to a deal for your school.
We had a flyfishing club in high school, mentored by a teacher who was a flyfisher.

It would be more difficult to start a flyfishing club without such a mentor, but I suppose not impossible.
Mike, I did think about doing just the regular fishing club, for some reason, I think a fly fishing club would be easier for me to teach, since I already know more than a beginner would, instead of having spinfishers teaching me what to do. troutbert, I do recall hearing about a history teacher who fly fishes. He might be a good person to start with... Also, BrookieChaser, I think I might see what his club took, and try to contact either a fly shop or PSU. Thank you for all of your input, I will keep it updated.
If you have a local TU or FFF club, they may be able to assist with loaner rods/reels. Maybe pick a different aspect of fly fishing to go over each day; entomology, casting, reading water etc.
SteveG, I do belong to trout unlimited, tulpehocken branch, and I knew the previous president from a raffle and an event that he had on the Tully. I'll see if he can find out if there's any loaners.
A lot of schools in my area have fly fishing clubs.

I will say, that for liability reasons, don't expect the district to sanction any trips for your club. It will probably have to all be held on school grounds.

The fly fishing club at the school district I work for had to stop trips a couple years ago. And when I ran one at our middle school, going to a stream was not an option even though it was across the street.
MKern, now that you say that, I know for a fact that my school wouldn't allow something like that. I'm thinking that I would have to organize it within the school, but just contact everybody outside of school to meet up.
Maybe you could get some sort of fundraiser put together to purchase X cheaper rod/reel combos that would belong to the club and each year add to the clubs arsenal.

I first was exposed to fly fishing due to a Fly Tying Club our science teacher had.
That is a good idea PocketWater! We'd have to think of something to sell/do.
PocketWater wrote:
I first was exposed to fly fishing due to a Fly Tying Club our science teacher had.
Same here! Back in the early 70's, when I was in junior high school our science teacher, Art Wolf, started a Fly Tying Club and that was the beginning.
There should be plenty of places to supply rods/reels; like TU, FFF, etc.

The fundraiser would be a good idea for tying materials.
We used to run a dodgeball tournament with a small entry fee (like $2 a player) and sold Gatorade and snacks. We made enough money every year to buy materials. We got our hooks from FFF.
Sorry, I'm a bit ignorant in the subject of "FFF". I've probably heard of it before but I don't recognize the acronym.
Wildbrowntrout wrote:
Sorry, I'm a bit ignorant in the subject of "FFF". I've probably heard of it before but I don't recognize the acronym.

I hope the idea takes off. In my middle school, (1982) my neighbor and I joined the "Fly Tying Club" after school art class. Turned out it was just he and I, and the art teacher. He taught us to cast in the gym, took us out to the pond behind the school to catch bluegill, and taught us some basic flies. He comes to mind often, I looked him up on line a year or two ago - he's a professional artist these days. I should write him, I really should - he changed my life, and gave me one of my passions, I am not sure how to thank him.
Mike B

ETA: I sent an email! :) A thank you from 34 years ago!
Here in Benton we have a reallllly nice new community center that easily doubles for school functions such as this.

Ambition + local fly shop + mentor teacher = success

As a teacher, I'd say to start asking your teachers if anyone would be willing to mentor your club. Even if they don't, there's most likely a retired or substitute teacher who would like to be involved.
Maybe tape a fly to every classroom door like a help wanted ad, asking for a teacher that fly fishes and would be interested in the club.

Maybe for the raffle you could talk to some local stores or contact some online retailers or manufacturers seeing if they would be willing to donate a few items for the raffle in an effort to get your club going. If you get enough stuff you could have it raffled off based off of the PA daily number on certain days (we have all seen those gun raffle type tickets) or it could just be a drawing where you could just have a little ticket or form they fill out and it goes into a bucket where someone draws numbers on a certain day (like the 50-50 tickets you see at sporting events).

Just some ideas. Hope you get it off the ground.
Skeet6, thank you for letting me know about the "FFF"! Duckfoot, I have an uncle that lives up in Benton and I'm pretty sure that he went there to learn to shoot a bow better? If they offer something like that. PocketWater, I like the idea of the advertising, it would be pretty complicated to walk around to every single teacher in the school and see if they do, let alone not disrupting their classes... Thanks for all the great ideas guys! Hoping to start this spring.