Fly Casting Competition - Carlisle, 6 Sep 2014

Yes, I will be at Allenberry on Saturday.

Speaking of that, I can't find any way of contacting someone about ordering a lunch for my wife since she'll be coming down with me. There's no email address on the website and no other contact info.
Cool, see ya there.

There's an "Email us" button at the bottom of this "Contact Us" page, looks like it links thru to Tom Huff:

And I imagine you'd be ok to just show up and pay the extra at the sign in since it's a buffet style feed...
Problem is I have Comcast and when I click on the button on the site it wants to know what email I want to set up: Outlook, Google, etc. It won't recognize my email. I just didn't want to have to kick in an extra 3 bucks for not preregistering her. Oh, well.
Lefty, just sent you a pm so the email isn't displayed out here for all the spam bots to scour...
It may still be a bit early; but, I'm curious as to who may be considering entering the competition...

We should also make a final decision as to whether some of us (all who may like to cast) are going to get together as we had discussed earlier. The location we used last year can work or perhaps someone has another suggestion?
I am not entering the competition. However, if I can make the get together I will.
Shane, this could be an opportunity to take your perceived "pro" status to a higher level...
I may also show up I haven't read the rules but may decide to enter
OldLefty wrote:
Shane, this could be an opportunity to take your perceived "pro" status to a higher level...

Lol ahhh yes.

The only thing I am a professional of is busting balls.
That's a shame much potential....squandered
Shane, they just added a nymphing to you shoe laces division. Get in! You'll kill them.

If they have a stealthy wade comp, I'm betting against ya. Sorry. I've seen charging bull elephants that moved less water during a river crossing.
It only gets worse as you get older...
Happy B-Day
krayfish2 wrote:
Shane, they just added a nymphing to you shoe laces division. Get in! You'll kill them.

If they have a stealthy wade comp, I'm betting against ya. Sorry. I've seen charging bull elephants that moved less water during a river crossing.

Kray taught / "yelled" at me. Twinkle toes is he. Having said that, I will fiscally back Kray on this event.

You my boy Kray!
Lefty, I am thinking august 23rd. Same location. Let me know what you think. I will bring a grill and some beverages. Let me now what we need for the course. I will be spending the night at KOA and fishing the next day.
TimRobinsin wrote:
Lefty, I am thinking august 23rd. Same location. Let me know what you think. I will bring a grill and some beverages. Let me now what we need for the course. I will be spending the night at KOA and fishing the next day.

Tim if u need help finding that KOA let me know.
I think I can find it easier than we did last year. But you are more than welcomed to come up and help me annoy the neighbors.
I will do my best to make this. Will know closer. Had a good time last year...and the fishing was not too shabby either.
Unfortunately, I will be attending a friend's wedding that date. Alternatives??

Dave R.
August 16th?