Float Tubes ?

Thanks, this is all second hand info and maybe they guy I know wasn't in compliance with one of the rules. Now that I think about it I have folks from a float tube in that lake. Makes me feel a little better. Guess I need to email them. I want to use it this weekend at locust lake.
I think your problem is that you are asking them. This is a state run lake and the rules and regulations are clear that they are permitted.
Know the rules and comply. If you then get stopped you can politely discuss them with the officer.
I had this problem before...I asked a ranger about my float tube. he wasn't sure what a float tube really was and said not allowed. It turned out he was thinking in the lines of a pool float tube as he never saw a fishing tube. It may be just a case that not everyone is exposed to float tube fishing and they may not understand.
If they see you on the water, they will have a better idea and can talk about it with you.
Just my thought.