Flies for Mountain Brookies

Yeah osprey, its the october caddis, color can be from cinnimon to tannish to a orange. Hatches from late sept. through Oct. Its dirty cream as a larva, but takes on the orangey color when it changes to a pupa.


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Wouldn't it be the November Caddis ,since it is 11/3/2010 ?
Henry they shut down for the elections, and are not going to come back till next year.
Sandfly......those pictures are great , that's fer sure what i was thinking about , those babies hatch all accross the state and down east it can be late , i remember gettin a few on top when the Yellow Breeches Anglers does their first fall/winter stocking. That particular time they wanted them litterally skated in the fast water on the Yellow Breeches. At the area we used to call white rock.