fishless in chambersburg



Sep 18, 2006
just curious,
i just spent all day on falling springs with not a fish caught. i have been there multiple times and have only caught one and he was in the stocked part. i am wondering if any of the talented members of this forum have a hard time on this stream or am i just a bad fisherman
any thoughts on this stream would be nice as i am very frustrated right now
Daren, I am neither a talented member, nor have I fished Falling Springs, but if you are not used to fishing in limestone creeks, getting skunked is not an indicator of your fishing talent, just a reflection of limited experience. I fished Letort everytime I went to Harrisburg. I think it was my fifth trip before I caught a fish. Last time I was there I was skunked again. These are tough streams when there isn't a hatch. The trout are very wary. You must spend more time observing the water and be very careful of your approach. The takes are usually subtle when they aren't actively feeding. I'll leave it to others to give you specific tips, but I just wanted to tell you that those types of streams are not easy and you need to keep at it until you figure them out. They will humble you and that's a good thing now and then as it reminds us how much more there is to learn about all aspects of this sport.

Was there melting snow in the area, upstream perhaps? Melting snow will cool a stream off and put the fish to sleep (well some sort of lethargic condition). I faced conditions like this today and didn't get so much as a strike.

Keep after them, it'll warm up soon!
As Jack pointed out, FS is a tough stream and there's no bad reflection on you if you get skunked - happens to me all the time. I have, however, fished FS hard for 25 years and I think I know it pretty well. Truth be told, the stocked section doesn't hold many stockies this time of year. It is almost all wild fish the whole length. There should be some stockies going in the DHALO section soon but the real reward on this stream are the wild fish. In my opinion they ought to stop stocking it altogether. Try dead drifting an olive #16 scud through runs and deeper pools. As a dropper fly, use a small orange egg fly. The small wild rainbows love an egg fly. For bigger fish try a sculpin - it is very effective on all limestoners for larger fish. If you check the photos section you can see a FS brownie that I was lucky to get a few weeks ago. No surprise he took a sculpin. Good luck.
It has been said that it is a tough stream, so I am sure you know that. I have been fishing fs for about 5-6 years, I'd say more times than often I get skunked, but thats what makes fs so special and fishing more often will show its secrets. Here isn't a secret, Mike Heck of the FS Trout Unlimited has incredible fly patterns specific to fs, These flies that I have of his, which can be purchased at keystone, in fort loudon, or on the net, I have and only use on fs, I don't use them anywhere else. I like to fish the fs on cloudy days, just my choice, trout are so skitish, seems to work. I wear cothing no camo of anything, i usually like to match the weather and the season, nothing too reflective, whites, yellows, etc. For stockies above 5th ave, white bugger or any other fly that is white, that is my color of choice, I tie a white beadheaded weenie which they like. And in the heritage section like i said mike's flies work for me. I was there last week and turned up one at the hole above 5th avenue, where those properties owners decided to post. And well last year this time I pulled about 15 out of the section above 5th. So it isn't you it is fs, just keep fishing and good things will happen.
Pat, Waynesboro
This is no doubt one of the toughest streams I have ever fished. I have only fished the Heritage section, the fish are spooky and well versed in fly patterns. Don't toss it though, when you finally get one of those wild rainbows to hand it is worth the effort. I don't fish it often, so I can't give any suggestions , other than don't give up. It ain't you, it's them dang smarty alec fish!
Good Luck! :-D
thanks ya'll
kinda like a support group "anglers anonymous" or something... i feel much better and cant wait for next saturday to go back for more :-D
i did look up mike heck on the net and i think ill try some of his creations and maybe i can get lucky :lol:

thanks again
I've fished Falling Springs twice and been skunked twice.

I don't know if I qualify as a skilled angler (I think I am too lazy to be good), but I can see where this stream would be a challenge for anyone.
I hit Falling Springs today. The water is a bit stained in places, mostly from bird activity. Got three, including a 22" brown. An olive scud was the ticket. The fish in runs appeared to be feeding on something sub-surface but I'm not sure what it was. Perhaps midge larvae but I didn't see adults in the air. Keep a low profile with the bright sun. Polarized glasses will help you see the fish.
Thats what lures me to FS. Its SO small in most places but the SIZE of some of the trout in there is exceptional. And some of them are actually wild. Think my best day there quantity wise was 6, but every time I go I see trout either pushing or over 20". Saw a brownie in there back in Nov. working on a redd that sure looked wild to me and he was in the 2 ft range. Havent seen it since. Except in my mind when I'm driving there to fish.
FS is one of those magical streams for me. I got my first fly rod when I lived out there. Mind you I never ever came even close to catching a fish while I lived there but I think thats why it still stays with me.

I used to walk the banks and just be dumbstruck by the size and number of fish in that little trickle. I hope there is something very much like FS in heaven.