Fishing under Brooklyn Bridge



Active member
Jan 11, 2009
Everybody fishing

I watched recently guy who hooked 20 pounds striper right by the Brooklyn Bridge.
He was also able to retrieve it from the water using simple set of rope and landed by New York heavy street traffic on the sidewalk. Try to bit this!


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Yup, it's amazing. A generation ago the idea of fishing in downtown NYC would have been laughable. Now the Hudson is loaded with stripers and other game fish. Even the East River has fish. Really, this is true of many big cities like Wash DC, Philly, Pittsburgh etc where much improved water quality and recovered fish populations (like stripers) has led to some pretty good, if not great, fishing.

I think many of the folks who are always lamenting the lost good ole days are just blind to so much of the good news.

In my opinion, for the most part.....the good ole days are now! :)

I've always been amused by the thought of guys who fly fish through the various bourough parks, myself.
We've even got a hex hatch now, they scare the *oops* outa the suckers who go down to see the Pirates play :-D