fishing this month?



Feb 6, 2013
Where in Central PA can you fish now that is legal? I want to get out before opening day
any DH streams and I think most wild streams. if you check the pa fish and boat website most streams the get a winter or early stocking are ok to fish.
Little L, Spring & Spruce
Fishing this month sucks.
this time of year has been confusing to me since i started fishing for trout as well. the F&BC doesnt do a very good job of outlining it on their website, unless i am totally missing something. so all approved trout waters are off limits from feb. 28 until opening day, EXCEPT delayed harvest streams? so i CAN fish the DHALO? but no where else?
Steer clear of ATW's that aren't under any special regulations. Non-ATW's & Special Regulation waters are open to fishing, but no harvest.

If an ATW stream has a specific stretch that is stocked, but not along its entire length, I'd avoid it even if you're outside of the stocked sections, that's a gray area not worth figuring out with all the other options..
guppieguy, PF&BC has it laid out pretty good if you go to the stocking schedule on the site. That being said you are correct, most of the streams being stocked are PA commonweath waters and can not be fished till april 13th (the first day of trout season). However some sections of certian streams are DAHLO and can be fished all year round.
There are quite a few that the PFBC does offer more year round fishing on:

The special regulation areas offer your best bet. Do some homework, as streams in the region can be quite different from stream to stream. Freestones with stocked trout will have a very different approach than limestone streams with naturally reproducing trout.

Do double check the areas you are fishing as you want to be fishing in the correct sections of the stream.
I would suggest Clarks creek or the Yellowbreeches. Each has a section open year round you can fly fish catch and release. Also both have been stocked so this will make catching a little easier.
I dont know where your from but the Neshannock is year round with artificial lures only from the damn to the covered bridge.
Little J is good. This time of year is rough cause the guys who don't fish all winter start coming out. For example today, it was 61 degrees, on the LL it was an absolute zoo. I left after seeing five people fishing one pool. May is great cause the weather is great all the time so one day is not much different from the next. As compared to march where one day it's 60 and the next it's 20...
Caught 1 at YB and lost a few... Still a good time
I looked over the PFBC site and found that the special regulations explanations basically state that C&R only and DH areas are open.

You can read the info yourself here ( Select a region, then a regulation. They'll list the waters and there's a "view regulation" link. Look for the ones that say "no closed season."