Fishing Superstitions

Not much on superstition though not having the camera/phone always means better catching than having it. Some articles of clothing do make for better days than others, but I can never decide exactly which combo is best.

The banana legend material was terrific. Thanks for sharing that.
Lots of fun old maritime history. Another example is the word "Limey" to describe Britons.

Early ocean crossings resulted in nasty health conditions and many perished. Scurvy. They didn't understand vitamins in those days, so they didn't realize scurvy was a lack of vitamin c.

The British figured out that fruit prevented scurvy. Limes kept well. So British navy sailors were required to suck on a lime daily during trips, which eliminated scurvy almost overnight, while rival nations took a while to catch on.

In the Americas, a British sailor thus became a "limey". Then all English, and it turned derogatory during the revolutionary war.
I wear an eagles hat for good all should give it a shot.
Is that eagles hat the 'super bowl champs' model?
If we shoot at it, won't that take your head off? Just asking!
Never try to fish while having to pee. Every time I'm getting skunked I swear its because I have to pee and my concentration is off. Even though its a pain I always undo the waders and pee(if needed) before I wade in. Even if its not the greatest looking water and I'm only gonna take 3 casts and roll.
The above only applies to trout fishing though.
lol. If they ever win one it might take the good luck away.

As an Eagles fan, I think your luck is safe for a few more years, lol.