Fishing Pictures

John - I'm not a photographer, I just take pictures of fish sometimes. Here's what I've learned...Granted I'm sure an accomplished photographer can give a better explanation.

1. As mentioned, change the angle of the fish in your hand and/or the angle of the camera as it points toward the fish. You'll be able to see on the screen the glare increase or decrease, just find the sweet spot.

2. Try when possible to use natural light, as opposed to the camera's flash. Sometimes on small streams under canopy this is difficult and the camera won't take a sharp focused image without the flash. Is what it is at that point.

In regard to photo size, either set your camera to take smaller base images, or shrink them afterwards in a photo editing software. The stock Paint program on PC's will allow you to do this.
You can turn your back to the sun to block the glare. There should still be enough side light and reflected light to illuminate the fish.

You can use partial shade (not deep shade) from trees.

My phone camera has a green circle that you drag and move to where you want to focus. I always move it to the brightest part of the pic, and then it adjusts everything to be darker so that the bright areas aren't so washed out. Then I can just brighten the shadows later. It's easy to brighten pics and get them to look good, but not nearly as easy to get rid of the bright washed out areas. So I try to eliminate those before taking the pic.

All moot if your phone camera doesn't have the ability to adjust to light or dark on the fly.
I'll have to play around with it on some small fish. I guess I don't really take the time to work the phone camera right while my hands are wet and trying to snap a photos as quick as I can to let the fish go.
Surprise Walleye on the tidal Potomac Monday night. Maybe 18". Was expecting sub 10" stripers, had no idea what I had hooked until it was within arms reach. Ate a small clouser under some bridge lights


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