Fishing Pictures



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
I feel like it's been forever since people have been posting actual fishing pictures and stories to the general forum with any regularity, and that used to be one of my favorite aspects of this forum.

I skimmed through some pictures from earlier this year and picked a few that stood out. I've been very fortunate to be able to fly fish very often this year, getting after a variety of fish - a LOT of gemmies, a few BIG browns, bass, shad, and even a needlefish on the tidal potomac. So to everyone that still fishes who posts here...I'd love to see what you've been catching, and I don't think I'm the only one. Post 'em if you got 'em.

Mine are a very small snapshot of what I've been up to lately but I wanted to keep it to my more typical outings and left out destination trips. I enjoy fly fishing no matter where it is and what I'm catching.


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In was thinking the exact same thing recently! It's easy to get side tracked with back and forth bickering over FFO stretches. :) Here's a couple from not too long ago. I posted a few others on the Photos forum.


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Just curious what camera you guys are using? Those photos are beautiful!
Very nice indeed.

We don't see too many pics of needlefish around here. :)
bigjohn58 wrote:
Just curious what camera you guys are using? Those photos are beautiful!
John, I just use a basic Canon Power Shot A3100 IS. The only problem with it is it's NOT water proof, but it does take nice pics. It has a macro setting, so the close up fish pics are usually very crisp.
bigjohn, I use my cell phone, the cameras on Android phones are incredible at least as far as getting a high quality digital image (not to be confused with real photography!). The ones I posted above I pulled from my Instagram (quicker to get to than finding all the originals) so they've been slightly enhanced for brightness/contrast.

WT2, I've seen your photos in the photo album frequently - very nice!! Always enjoy seeing them.
Thanks for taking us back to the roots, sarce. I've not gotten to fish a whole lot this year, but I'm looking forward to a busy and wonderful Fall fishing season.
Thanks sarce, I enjoy sharing them. I just love being in the places that hold these beautiful trout!
2017 has a lot of great fishing left, but a look back over the year brings back a lot of great memories. We are certainly very blessed here in PA with a wide variety of flyfishing opportunities.



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Enjoying the photos. The one with the big Browns mouth and the hand is very a good way. I also love the one of the Carp.

I would put a few up but seems like something has changed with my pics and can't get it to work.
All the pictures I have from this summer are saltwater fish (I guess I ought to change my username). Since Photobucket went weird I can't upload photos.
Good thread. Here are some highlights from my year so far....

Limit of sockeye in Alaska. Tasted amazing!

Blue River, OK. Pretty cool seasonal trout river.

Pocono Brown. Black conehead streamer.

South Platte, CO in 11 Mile Canyon. Caught a great early season mid afternoon BWO hatch.


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Now that's what I'm talking about! Great pics all, good variety.

Foxtrapper, my hands were shaking so bad from that brown I'm amazed I got any worthwhile shot at all. 23" from a mountain freestone, I got some blurry full body shots but the jaws really stood out to me as the defining trait of that fish. Just beastly.

I caught a 25" from the same stream last September that I posted here. I recently confirmed that fish is still can bet I'll have more pictures to share if I can manage to land it again. I view it as my fall project, incredibly rare to find a fish like that. Stripers coming back soon too. Definitely looking forward to the next few months to finish out the year.
Zak, that's a great brown.
That pic of that one brown is beautiful!... almost as nice as one of Dave Weaver's paintings!



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Yea it was a picture perfect brown, especially for his first one. He caught an 11 inch native brookie in the same hole a few minutes before.

Sheehan thanks! I liked the bottom one better even though it was a little smaller.
One problem I always have with phone photos is I get such a glare or light spot on the fish. How do I fix this? Also why can't I ever upload a photo from my phone on here? Always says its too big.


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It's all about the angle your holding the fish, how much light is in the sky and If the sun is in front or behind you.

Think about a fish laying on the bottom. It gives off zero light when it's at 90 degrees, that fish swipes a nymph and turns 45 degrees and it looks like A flash of lightning on the stream bottom.