Fishing on spawning fish



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
Read this in yesterday's Lancaster Sunday News and really got kind of turned off. To me it seems like outright harassment to fish on a spawning fish repeatedly until it finally strikes. Doesn't seem to be much sport in that.

Unless they changed it for 2012, the act of "repeatedly casting to a fish on a bed" is illegal.

NOTE: It is not a violation of the bass regulations if a bass is immediately returned unharmed to the waters from which it was taken. It is unlawful for an angler to cast repeatedly into a clearly visible bass spawning nest or redd in an effort to catch or take bass.

Yep, listed right in the reg manual.
In addition, the Susquehanna River and mouths of tributaries on the lower susquehanna (along the entire Lancaster border) are Closed to targeting bass until the Bass Season starts June 15.

Old PJ must have missed that day of fact checking.

But I suppose its no different than drifting egg patterns and swinging buggers through a post of steelhead over and over. Except that the Bass are wild and the steelhead are not.

Pardon my ignorance with regards to steelhead, but do they actually make "redds"? I didn't think the substrate of the Erie tribs was conducive for spawning; the steelies just think they're going to.

I see that Beltzville Lake is not under "Big bass" or "Catch and Release Bass" regs, so the inland water regs would apply.

I'll have to shoot PJ an e-mail about this.

No they are not spawning but they are just sitting clear water getting thrown at and drifted over.
I see at the bottom of the online article someone has reported it to the PFBC. Sure seems like a blatant lack of fact checking!
I emailed both the PFBC and the newspaper. We'll see what kind of response I get.

wgmiller wrote:

I see that Beltzville Lake is not under "Big bass" or "Catch and Release Bass" regs, so the inland water regs would apply.

I have a spot on Beltzville that I know holds monster bass (10lb range) when you come up in June and if you want to fish it let me know. Spin or fly tackle. The best part is we will get yelled at, harassed, and threatend of having the pfbc called on us. This has happened many times and I laugh every time, plus the Pfbc has never showed or been called, because the gentelman that yells at me kows he is wrong.. It will be awesome.
I also read the story and was turned off by it. I was disappointed in PJ for promoting what I would call unsporting behavior. But hey Like he said its legal right? Get the game at all cost, big bass come and get em!
caveman wrote:
But hey Like he said its legal right?

I gather that it is not legal, and that seems to be a big issue with the article.

He's also the one who wrote the article on Lititz Run a few years back spotlighting one of the big browns...
To be sure, I didn't read the link so can't comment on this particular scenario.

This is an ethical issue that every fishermen should consider.

Broadly speaking, I don't care to disrupt spawning fish....either bass or trout. I do, however, immensely enjoy trout fishing in the autumn and make no apologies for this. If I see fish on a redd or obviously paired up in a spawning situation, I leave 'em alone. With respect to bass, I generally prefer to lay off the big rivers during the spawning period and am esp careful not to pull male bass off guarded redds with fry. On the other hand, I will do some limited bass fishing (where legal) in the spring. It's worth remembering that not all bass or trout are spawning at a given time. Bass are usually close to shore when doing so and a popper fished in mid-river probably won't be seen by many spawners.

Be respectful of the fish and use some judgement.
It is unlawful for an angler to cast repeatedly into a clearly visible bass spawning nest or redd in an effort to catch or take bass.

They can't keep the poachers out of special reg water, but it is realistic for them to enforce the above. What a joke.
bigspringdweller wrote:
It is unlawful for an angler to cast repeatedly into a clearly visible bass spawning nest or redd in an effort to catch or take bass.

They can't keep the poachers out of special reg water, but it is realistic for them to enforce the above. What a joke.

I'd say those are about equal in terms of the degree of difficulty in enforcing them. Fishing with bait/harvesting trout in a special regs area (or something similar) is a little more black and white because with the Bass regs you can always say "I wasn't targeting a Bass" or "I didn't know there was a Bass there"...even after repeatedly casting to the same spot. If you're caught fishing bait, or with a stringer of trout in a special regs area it's probably gonna be tough to talk your way out of that one. In either case though, neither can be successfully enforced without manpower on the streams/lakes...and the PFBC is under the same pressures as any other entity in this economy..."do more with less." Bottom line it's up to the angler to know the regs and do the right, sportsmanlike thing...asking a lot in some situations probably.

Articles like this are a shame because they're promoting a behavior the PFBC and conservation minded anglers are trying to discourage. The average "couple times/year" angler is gonna see this and think these guys are the must be ok to do this, and who could blame them? Clearly these are skilled anglers who should've and probably do know better...very disappointing. I'd be interested to hear about the outcome of the inquiry to the PFBC since the article basically has them admitting to the unlawful behavior almost to the tune of the exact words of the reg.

Somewhat unrelated, but all the Bass tournaments and shows on TV with guys sight fishing to bedding Bass doesn't help matters either.
Hmmm. I thought it was legal. I guess I learned something new.

That said, I believe it would be nearly impossible to enforce.

"What spawning bed?"

Clearly visible to who?

I don't think it is that big of a deal and don't see a huge ethical issue (if it were legal). Afterall, they are just fish, and certainly not scarce. And they do get over it as long as they are released.

That said, I don't target spawning bass because it is not much of a challenge. Targeting cruising bass is fun, but targeting spawning bass, ... not so much. Unless you are completely inexperienced, I think it is a little lame. Let me put it this way, if I was doing it, I wouldn't brag about it in a newspaper, legal or not.

How do you guys feel about targeting spawning bluegills.

That is legal and you can keep those. They do taste better than bass, too.

Actually, I don't even target spawning bluegills for the same reasnon, cept if the pond is overpopulated and needs thinning like my pond in the woods. The green sunfish and pumpkinseeds are exceptionally aggressive (and need to go).

Still haven't fished for trout in the fall when they are spawning, but mostly because I'm old and set in my ways. Foot traffic increases silt which can smother the eggs, even if you avoid treading on the redds. But I still reserve the right to do so if I so chose. Afterall, hey aren't exactly endangered, either.
Swattie87 wrote:
I'd be interested to hear about the outcome of the inquiry to the PFBC since the article basically has them admitting to the unlawful behavior almost to the tune of the exact words of the reg.

I have not yet received a reply from the PFBC.

I agree that it is a difficult regulation to enforce, unless, of course, someone would do it and then publish an article about it...

FD - I think the key difference with Bluegills or other Sunfish is that it's not illegal. That said, I still don't knowingly cast at them, although I don't fish ponds and lakes very much. I will cast at the shoreline on streams during the Sunfish (usually Redbreasts in the streams I fish) spawning period though. From that distance and angle while wading in the stream it's not very often I can sight fish though...I'm just casting to a likely holding spot around rocks/submerged structure/etc. Whether some of the stream Sunfish I catch were actively on a bed I can never be sure, but yes, odds would suggest it probably does happen from time to time. In any case, I'm not knowingly (and repeatedly) casting to a bedding fish though. If I see a Sunnie on a bed I'll probably watch him for a while, but won't cast at him.

I'd agree the impact to the stream/lake/pond population is probably minimal, but I still don't think it's the right thing to do.
PJ definitely "manned up" and accepted it like a man.
that is great that he stood up. i do think he should get a citation, not to be an ***, but just to prove the point. it's one thing if joe nobody tells his buddies what a good time it was, but how many people read that and thought it would be a good time?
some places fishing over beds might not have any impact on the fishery at all, but other places might not be as lucky. besides that i feel it is very unsporting.