Fishing on spawning fish

Yep, classy follow up...made the best of a bad situation by getting the word out about the reg and his mistake. Props to the WCO for addressing it too. I'm not sure a citation accomplishes a whole lot, but I respect his attitude toward it either way. I'd be fine if he didn't get one. In the end more good probably comes from this than harm.

Thanks for the link wg.
OK, I have a question.

If I only cast once to each nest, am I still within the law? 🙂

Anyway, I still say in the vast majority of cases it causes little to no harm to the overall population as long as the fish are released. I don't see a significant biological reason for not allowing it, at least not for the largemouth. But it is still lame so I have no problem with keeping it illegal.

And as Chaz would point out, smallmouth aren't even native to half of PA so who cares.;-)

FD - I think the concern with taking a Bass off its nest is the impact from "nest raiders," resident Sunfish usually, coming in and feasting on the eggs/youngsters in the Bass's absence. How much of an impact that has I'm not sure really.
Swattie87 wrote:
FD - I think the concern with taking a Bass off its nest is the impact from "nest raiders," resident Sunfish usually, coming in and feasting on the eggs/youngsters in the Bass's absence. How much of an impact that has I'm not sure really.

I agree, but if that is anything more than background noise in the overall mortality rate, then the pond or stream has other issues. It is just the way it is.
