Fishing Life Madness?

Since Baltasar Gracián hasn't defined what he means by "save", we can only assume he means the sport in general (bit extreme imo).

Frankly, I'm more of the "let it burn" type. Part of our problem is we've been brainwashed into thinking we need to constantly recruit more people to fishing. Why? So the PAFBC can sell more licenses, so they can in turn raise/stock more fish? Their entire existence has turned into an agricultural fish culturing business. The less money they make, the less fish they can stock.

I don't know what people think would happen if the FBC suddenly couldn't raise any more fish. It's not like people would stop fishing. Maybe thin the herd a bit and reduce it to those who are truly interested in doing it. I personally don't see the issue with that. Turn the entire PAFBC into biologists and law enforcement and this state's trout population would flourish.

Now that you all had time to think about, "are you willing to save it" I will define it in my views.

Save: Keep safe, stop from destruction, keep for future use.

Sometimes we limit our thinking to our surroundings but neglect things that happen elsewhere that do not seem relative. Example: Oregon is having a real problem with returning Salmon. This example is used but in fact this example is true.

As I read on here, Susq. River, radioactive waste, raw sewage, Letort, fish kill, Clarks Creek, jammed up. Delaware River, boating madness, Penns Creek, more posters and many more!

I did not write these articles, you did! So something is going on that seems to be a problem. Maybe not huge but needs to be addressed.

Fishing is not just Pa. but worldwide! At this very minute, somewhere a stream or fishery is being threatened.

It might not be the stream in your backyard. Well, not yet! The whole secret of save, to me, means: protecting and keeping this resource sustainable for many years to come. For all to enjoy, anywhere and everywhere!

What can I personally do to save it. Besides being respectful of what I use, maybe a post like this will open an eye or two. Some say I did not know it was in trouble. Again, maybe not in your back yard but trouble has found the way in very many places!

So to 'Save". This might be a word too big and strong. Help, might be a better slogan. Example" "Help me I am drowning". "Well don't just stand there, go save him". I did a project years ago working with T. U. I called this small project: Save A Stream. Although it was small, it was big by nature!

ryansheehan wrote:
troutbert wrote:
jifigz wrote:

I didn't realize that it was in Jeopardy of vanishing/failure any time soon.

The OP doesn't support the idea that fishing is in jeopardy of vanishing any time soon.

And doesn't even TRY to support that idea.

To me if you ask "are you willing to save it?" you're implying it's in danger.

I agree. The OP implied that it's in danger.

But the OP didn't present any facts or logical arguments to support the idea that it actually IS in danger.

(I must have worded things poorly before.)

Save: Keep safe, stop from destruction, keep for future use. Sometimes we limit our thinking to our surroundings but neglect things that happen elsewhere that do not seem relative.

Why don't you just lead with stuff like this instead of trying to compete with Dr. Suess??

I was thinking James Joyce (less rhyming, more cryptic). :)
HopBack wrote:
Save: Keep safe, stop from destruction, keep for future use. Sometimes we limit our thinking to our surroundings but neglect things that happen elsewhere that do not seem relative.

Why don't you just lead with stuff like this instead of trying to compete with Dr. Suess??

I agree ^

Maxie has some strong ideas and thoughts but they get lost in a cacophony of nonsensical bullfeathers. Therefore, his ideas or messages are misunderstood or go completely unnoticed by members of the board because many don't even bother reading his cryptic threads and posts.
afishinado wrote:
HopBack wrote:
Save: Keep safe, stop from destruction, keep for future use. Sometimes we limit our thinking to our surroundings but neglect things that happen elsewhere that do not seem relative.

Why don't you just lead with stuff like this instead of trying to compete with Dr. Suess??

I agree ^

Maxie has some strong ideas and thoughts but they get lost in a cacophony of nonsensical bullfeathers. Therefore, his ideas or messages are misunderstood or go completely unnoticed by members of the board because many don't even bother reading his cryptic threads and posts.

One man's banana is another's $150,000 piece of art.