Fishing in the rain ????



New member
May 12, 2009
I have Friday off and it looks like rain. Live in South Jersey so the closest streams to me that I know about are Valley, Ridley, and French. Will it be worth it to go with a 46 degree temp and 60% chance of rain? If you think it is worth it, are there any tricks for fishing in the rain.

If the water is a tinge off its ok,imo.keep your flies on the bottom.I like rising water,before the front is usually good,imo.After it takes a while to get activity again,imo.
i would say GO !!!!!
Any day fishing is better than any day working! I would go. The best time to go fishing is when you can! Just take your rain gear.
Librarian wrote:
are there any tricks for fishing in the rain.

only staying as dry as possible...calling for possible snow and 30's on Fri...
I'll tell you a "TRICK" for staying dry in the Rain in PA , find our state tree "Northern Hemlock" and get right up against the trunk and you'll stay as dry as possible , the Northern Hemlock is designed very intelligently so as to maximize whatever rainfall occurs , the needles are arranged and also the branches to channel the rainfall out towards the longest root ends , which happen to be right at the edge of the trees canopy , therefore if you hug right up against a hemlock in a hard rain you can stay dry a long time , unless it's windy , then it's not effective , with a hard straight down rainstorm though this is a "TRICK" that works. I guess that makes me a treehugger?
I think if you have benefitted over the years by the protection of a particular tree, it is OK to hug it. But engaging in random tree-hugging is just sick.
I've had some very good days fishing in the rain over the years. No special tricks, just normal fishing and stay dry as you can.

PaulG.......those hemlocks all along Clarks got hugged alot over the years , i don't like fishing in the rain but when i have to i will. One of my best ever days up there was in a misty rain that lasted till past noon but there was a Hendrickson coming off there that was almost every cast for awhile. Right below the lower set of cliffs. Man i almost forgot about that.
I'm fishing in the rain
Just fishing in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
The parade passes by
of bluewings in the drift
I think there's a take
should I wait or should I lift?
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I walk down the stream
the water has a stain
Just fishin',
fishin' in the rain
JackM wrote:
I think if you have benefitted over the years by the protection of a particular tree, it is OK to hug it. But engaging in random tree-hugging is just sick.

Sick???? How? As long as there are no saplings involved, I see no reason why there should not be mutually consenting affection!
Throw some wooly buggers if water is coming up
Dark colors will help with the water when it's up and stained.

Oh, and you guys are bunch of saps. ha
Tree hugging is ok,except when lightening is around.
First of all it's an Eastern Hemlock and in a heavy rain all the water is channeled down the truck of an Eastern Hemlock so if you hug the trunk you will be soaked.
I'm fishing in the rain Just fishing in the rain What a glorious feelin' I'm happy again The parade passes by of bluewings in the drift I think there's a take should I wait or should I lift? Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I've a smile on my face I walk down the stream the water has a stain Just fishin', fishin' in the rain

Lol. I can't hear that without thinking Clockwork Orange.
yes,there is a rain trick for one of the streams you mentioned.skate a REALLY BIG surface fly,like a hopper.yes even in november.a big stimulator,or a muddler fished dry will work.i would imagine if the water was clouded even a mouse rat would work.

this is not a joke.
shakey wrote:

this is not a joke.

We would never think you were joking. You are not the joking type.


  • hes_serious.gif
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Haha thats awesome...All you dang woodchucks, stop chuckin my wood!