Fishing in NewHampshire


Feb 24, 2010
Apologies if this crosses a line - I know we mainly discuss PA fishing, but several members here are well traveled. My Daughter will be moving to Henniker in the next 6 months or so. I was wondering what the fishing is like (in general for both spin and fly). I saw a stocking map and it looks like there is a decent number of waters that are stocked, including one that goes right past/thru Henniker. Anyone have any insights?
Dear hocketref,

Due to poor geology NH relies on stocked fish even more than PA. The granite does don't buffer rain and snow very well. That said, there are still many streams worth fishing. NH is also blessed with lots of ponds and lakes. Many streams and ponds have special regulations for trout similar to PA.

You can find a lot of information on the NH Fish and Game website. If you need help or suggestions, feel free to message me.


Tim Murphy 🙂
The Connecticut River starts as a tailwater near Pittsburg,NH. It has a fly fishing section. There is an Orvis video of George Daniels showing Tom Rosebauer how to Euro nymph. You should be able to find it on Youtube.
I don't know Henniker, but I've fished the White Mountains a number of times and had a lot of fun. That would be ~1.5 hours north. There are lots of small wild brookies in the small streams and stocked big brookies and decent browns in the larger water. A sampling is below.

Henniker would also only be an hour drive to some easy access striper spots. Not a bad jumping off point.


