Fishing fashion

I'm a complete savage when it comes to dressing for fishing success, lol. Usually it's some sort of t-shirt, long or short sleeve, in camo, olive, or if they happen to be dirty Yankee blue. Then usually jeans, as uncomfortable as everyone says they are, I've been wearing them fishing my entire life so no need to change now. I do have a pair of fleece lined jeans for early season as well as an LL Bean flannel lined shirt that's so old now the cost is probably amortized to $0.
I wore jeans until I became a more or less exclusive wet wader although I'll still wear them or a pair of Carhartt work pants with hippers or when bank fishing...

The first stop after abandonment was a pair of BDU pants from a army-navy store. They were cheap, comfortable with lots of pockets and worked OK for wet wading pants since I NEVER wet wade in shorts.

However, once I bought my first pair of quick drying nylon "fishing" pants, I never looked back. The only drawback I discovered the hard way is they offer NO protection against stinging nettle 😱 and not even poison ivy if the pants are soaked, especially from perspiration.

My current pair are an old pair of Cabela's branded fishing pants...

Another reason I like dedicated fishing pants or at minimum have an extra pair of jeans is for those times I go out AFTER fishing. When I fish at places like the Letort or Big Springs where kneeling or sitting in mud can be an advantage, it's nice to be able to get out of those muddy pants before heading out to dinner.
I was just busting your stones, man. Joking around.
I picked up on that. 🙂 And, not an attempt to derail my own thread, but I just want to mention that part of me being a wild trout snob has to do my desire to escape anything that represents man's non-stop manipulation of things, and be in places that don't reflect that. Those lightning trout/paliminos are the epitome of manipulation.
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