fish warm up.

Thank you FL. About how far of a drive is GP from you? May need to get there over the next couple of weeks break.
Thanks, Hunter! Same to you and your family. I hope to get down there next week also.


The Gunpowder is exactly 60 miles from my house. Not a bad drive down RT 1, over the Conowingo Dam.
It usually takes me about 1hr and 15mins.

About the same time it takes me to drive 40 miles to Valley in RT202 traffic.

Worth the trip.
Thanks, not bad at all. I actually like that drive down Rt 1. I have that eastern part of the U.S., so will have to "work" it more often. Maybe I'll see you there. If you see a guy that looks like he played basketball, that may be me. Happy Holidays!
Are you using split shot with that Black Ice on GP?
Thank you!
No weight. Just cast 45degrees down stream and let it sink into the film. Works very well for me.

Hope to get down this week in between trips to T&E mall.

I drive a '95 green & white F150.
Thank you. Let me know when you are going. I'm off until 1/5. I will be driving a reddish Ford Explorer. I'm going to hit White Clay tomorrow with a friend.
i hit the GP this afternoon.

i spooked one fish in the shallows below the falls road bridge, otherwise not a touch in the pools and runs above and below the bridge.

water temp was a chilly 38F. rather low for a tailwater i think.

i tried red and black midge nymphs to no avail.

i should of probably tried to find some 'sunny' water in hindsight.