First time surf fishing questions



Feb 15, 2010
I’m going to CA and plan to do a little surf fishing for surf perch while I’m there. I have never fished the surf before and have no idea where to begin. I plan to use a 10 ft. 7 wt. rod. What kind of line should I use? Do I want to be fishing when tide is coming in or going out? I welcome any and all advice as I know NOTHING about this kind of fishing. I’m hoping some of you striper guys can help point me in the right direction. Thank you in advance for your help.

Well, keep in mind I've never surf fished on the Pacific coast and have never seen a surf perch.......however, from what I've read about them, the rod you have sounds about right. If it were me, I'd pick an intermediate line although a fast sink line might be useful under some circumstances. Surf perch aren't big so you don't need a big drag with lots of backing. My understanding is they like shrimp-like flies. If you don't tie, check out any store with bonefish flies and order some in orange and pink colors. A stripping basket is always useful when FFing on the beach.
I have fished in California surf. rod will work fine leaders 9-12 foot long 12-6 lb. tippet. sink tip lines and intermediate will work. small patterns, clousers, shrimp patterns from 1-6 in size. shooting basket is good, but not necessary since they are in close sometimes at your feet. might have some patterns still if you are looking..
This is great info guys. Thank you for the help. Stripping basket sounds like a good suggestion.

Anyone know anything about tides or time of day to hit the surf?
I would recommend a stripping basket it can become a real pain without it. As far as tides usally 2 hours before and 2 hours after high tide but that can be different for each area.( Just a general guideline). As far as time of of day it cant hurt to try dusk or dawn if you can.
Another thing i forget to add make sure you wash your rod and reel off well. It cant hurt to strip some line off of your reel and let it sit in fresh water for a while. Also wash clippers and forceps off as well.