First Fish of 2017 Thread

steveo27 wrote:
Took me 15 days but I found another stream with wild browns in the Laurel Highlands.

That's one pretty wild brown!

I enjoy the buttery ones, but the dark brown/olive colored ones are my favorite.
My friend Doug and I fished Spring Creek yesterday and we both landed our first trout of the year. I caught four, he caught three and we both lost several, all browns. The air temp was about 30 degrees when we started fishing around 11 am. The water temp was 39 degrees and never rose at all. It was COLD standing in the water for a while but felt great to get out and fish.
Lots of good pics up in here. Good work!

I'm an overachiever. Here's numbers one and two.



This stream got pummeled by spring flooding and summer drought. They get long but are def on a diet.

it was near 60* on Saturday and 50* on Sunday. BWOs, winter caddis and lil black stones were everywhere. Problem was, the water was high, fast and murky.

Streamers it is.
Delete my previous; I'm an idiot. One of these days I'll figure out how to post pics on this site.

last weekend: number 1 for each species. No brookies yet.

Real buggy, but the water was fast, murky and high. Streamers fit the bill.

Lots of good pics in this thread.

url] on Jan 14, 2017 at 4:35pm PST

url] on Jan 17, 2017 at 8:11am PST
No picture but my caught my first dry fly fish yesterday... little wild Brookie in water below 40 degrees
This past Saturday.


Managed to get my first of 2017 this morning on the Lackawanna in Scranton. 14" brown that hit one the middle fly of a three nymph set-up. :)
Nothing like dry fly trout in January!
Invislble dry fly trout at that!
Bit of a slow start for me; January has become too busy of a month the past few years. Finally got out yesterday. Had a particular fish I found on Thanksgiving and missed that day, that would have made a good start to this year. Encountered two fish before that but managed to only roll them, which left the fish I had in mind in play for number one. He obliged on the first cast and rolled too, but with a solid hookset.

I caught 2 Bows this past Saturday at Tulpahocken (Spelling?) Catch Kiss and Release.
Salmon, that is a beautiful brown, love it!