First Fish of 2017 Thread

Sometimes the first fish isn't very impressive, but its always a good one to get to the net. Here is my first fish of 2017. A little 11" limestone spring creek rainbow that I caught on a size 14 PT nymph on the dropper while tight lining.


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I've been out twice, once last week when it was 61 degrees and again today. Both times on the Tully. Both times though the water was unusually high, 260 cfs last week and 350 cfs today. Caught one dink rainbow last week and nothing today. I'm itching to go and get a couple but the weather for the next several days looks a bit too cold for me.

Nice rainbow on a 16 caddis pattern! It popped out of his mouth as soon as it hit the net! You can see it on the net!
A little late on the first fish for me.

The first two were fingerlings on the tully this morning which was challenging at 338 cfs.

Took a picture of #3 at the sportsmans club pond on the way home. Also got my first large mouth of the year out of the same pond.

nomad_archer wrote:
A little late on the first fish for me.


You're not late at all for the first fish of the year in the first week of January. Heck, I think my first fish last year was on March 1. I'm hoping the weather cooperates a little to get some more winter fishing in during January and February this year.

You need to resize your photos to fit the format for the site. I'm not the one to help you with that, but I'm sure someone will reach out to you if you ask for help.
dc410 wrote:
nomad_archer wrote:
A little late on the first fish for me.


You're not late at all for the first fish of the year in the first week of January. Heck, I think my first fish last year was on March 1. I'm hoping the weather cooperates a little to get some more winter fishing in during January and February this year.

You need to resize your photos to fit the format for the site. I'm not the one to help you with that, but I'm sure someone will reach out to you if you ask for help.

Ahhh I see what happened it was a permissions issue with the shared link.

Lets try this again.
#3 for 2017
I fished the Keystone Select section of Laurel Hill on the 2nd. Figured I'd give the brookies a break and just fish for the Stockies. They supposedly stocked this in October. Between another fly fisher and I, we didn't even have a bump between us in 8 hours of fishing. Was pretty disappointing as I used to do fairly well on this stream in winter.

When we got back to the parking area we ran into an old timer that said he had fished it the week before and caught nothing, and that he had talked to a woman that fished the Keystone Select section with bait the week before and didn't catch anything.

I told him she shouldn't be fishing it with bait and he said he was aware and just left it at that. Sounds like people do some poaching there, which is disappointing.

Anyway, my first trip out, I got the skunk.
Yeah, BIG fish stocked, BIG fish advertised = guaranteed poaching.

AND.... put me on the board for my first fish of 2017!!! It was cold and windy yesterday but I was able to land this beauty.


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krayfish2 wrote:
Yeah, BIG fish stocked, BIG fish advertised = guaranteed poaching.

AND.... put me on the board for my first fish of 2017!!! It was cold and windy yesterday but I was able to land this beauty.

I cant tell kray, stocked or wild?
Kray...For a real fish sandwich, put that BK thing down and try Wendy's North Pacific Cod sandwich for a real treat. It's seasonal, and if it isn't out yet, it should be soon. You won't want another fish sandwich after trying that one.
Havent been out yet this year, but had I brought my rod on the hike I did Saturday, I'm sure I COULD HAVE caught the little brookie I saw. Does that count??

Believe it or not, I don't eat anything that swims. All this fishing nonsense is for the challenge, the solitude, the scenery and for the friends I've made.
PocketWater wrote:
I fished the Keystone Select section of Laurel Hill.

Thats disappointing. I havent fished that section since they changed the regulations and wanted to fish it for the same reason you mentioned. I doubt I will now. Ill stick to one of the dozens of other streams in the Laurel Highlands.
Yellow Breeches on Sat 1.7. #24 Zebra Midge


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Shook off the rust today and tried out my new waders from Christmas. LDR'd a nice rainbow on a black bugger and landed a gorgeous lil par marked wild brown. No pics. I kept him in the water to grow up.
Worked hard on Friday fishing for 6 hours to land one small brown. It was nice to get out and even see a couple rises. I didn't get a picture of the one I caught.
Took me 15 days but I found another stream with wild browns in the Laurel Highlands.

First dry fly fish of 2017! I was blessed with two days of midging fish, with the odd bwo coming off too, in SEPA. Most took the gnat, but a few took an 18 bwo. I guess the near 70 degree day last week set some things in motion later in the week, even though I took a humbling skunk on that fine day. All fall stocked rainbows, but still unreal for January, with double digits on top on Friday and Sunday.



That didn't work! I'll post later from PC.