First Fish of 2015

LeTortAngler2 wrote:
My first of the year came on Friday, but no photos.....except for a stream shot my brother took. It was a whopper of a brook trout that taped out at 5in long
Would of hung that one on the wall.

Well, I tried to take a bunch of photos and more measurements so I could get a replica mount, but the fish had other plans. I'll be back to catch it again!lol

Did spook a monster though(as far as those little buggers go). I WILL be back to catch that one.
I spent all afternoon on Friday nymphing, and detected only one take, which yielded the only fish- one rainbow at dusk on a southeast PA limestoner. I forgot how great a singular average fish could feel. Still, I have a long way to go in the winter game.
Very true lutz, winter is not about numbers for the most part just hooking up at times. Watching the temps closely is one of the best ways to get em in the net.
Got on yellow creek today after about 10-12 others already had been through. Managed a nice bigger brown 15-16" but no pic, got him handled and unhooked himself and flopped off right as I got a hold of him. Came back to try and catch him again after a slow walk up stream with no action, and grabbed a much smaller but still pretty brown in the same spot, on the same fly. I did get skunked 2 days ago, but was exploring a new stream and didn't actually see any fish or signs that fish were there, despite the fact that there should have been fish there. The scenery was nice and I enjoy a nice walk through the woods however, so I can't complain. Looks like the weather is gona take a turn south here soon so I'm glad I got a decent day in today. Nice pics to see everyone's first fish of the year!


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Well, under some fairly cold and very windy conditions this afternoon, my first fish of 2015 was a 10" creek chub (a real hog!). I thought about it, but spared all of you by not taking a picture. The first fish is the first fish, right?
Yep, first fish is the first fish. But without pictures... :p
I thought real hard about it, Jack. Call me a wimp, but my hands were so freakin' cold I just couldn't do it. As you well know I am not at all opposed to posting a photo of a trophy chub. :-D
Got a couple nice steelhead on 16 mile creek yesterday and today to start the year out even though the weather hasn't been the best

First of the year! First Peacock!
A peacock bass is a species I didn't expect to see in this thread.

Congrats on the fish.

Y'allst are as crazy as duck and goose men.
Have any good fields for geese? Our area the flying carp have become too wise. It's what happens when you have guys in every field and jump shooting them
^ thanks! I was in Miami for a week around New Years and I had heard that the lakes and canals were full of them. I took some gear with me and got out one morning. They are powerful fish.