First Fish of 2015



Well-known member
Aug 6, 2013
I remember liv2nymph starting a thread last year. I figured I'd start one this year.
I will be heading out this morning, hope to have some luck and post it later.
From yesterday at VC.


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It's good to see some folks are on the board. My first fish of 2015 came to hand yesterday. I'll try to get pictures up.
Had a pretty tough day of it yesterday, but managed to guarantee that the year 2015 won't be a complete skunk.



It was a rough day but i am on the board. This was the only fish i caught. I did manage to roll 1 other because i was practicing casting left handed and didnt get a good hook set. :roll:
Brookie Chaser,

I was anticipating your first one of the year being a char. I really like the photo of your flyrod on that ice sculpture. Nice shot!
Congrats to all on your first trout of the year. Took the flint for a walk yesterday and missed one at last light. :-( some good looking trout so far... Let's see some more! Did a lot of thinking about going today or Sunday while in the woods, today was a wash what with the sleet and rain. I would think it'd be tough fishing the next couple days...
The other day I was on the Breeches with a few takes but none "landed". For me, if it isn't in my hands then it isn't a catch. Plan on getting out either this week or the week after with flintlock deer ending on next Saturday. Good luck.
Nice fish guys. I was passing by a Lanco limestone today and tried my luck for a few minutes in the pouring rain. Nothing happening, so I'm still looking for the first. I didn't expect to fish at all today so I'm just glad I got out for a bit.
dc410 wrote:
Brookie Chaser,

I was anticipating your first one of the year being a char. I really like the photo of your flyrod on that ice sculpture. Nice shot!

Haha, I'm sorry to disappoint, most years you'd be correct. My first fish of 2014 was a char. I harassed the neighboring char right before Christmas so I figured I'd harrass the trutta for awhile.

Thanks for the compliment on the fly rod picture. I try to take some non-fish pictures and also pictures that tell the story of the trip.

Got skunked yesterday on my favorite brown trout stream. Took this wild bow today for my first fish of 2015.
Wow, he's a beauty! Congrats!
Here's my first of the year.

Little dude already had a battle scar... Raining and quite windy out there.
Landed one out of three on Penns Friday. Hooked a beast and just got him to the surface when he decided otherwise and spit the fly.
My first of the year came on Friday, but no photos.....except for a stream shot my brother took. It was a whopper of a brook trout that taped out at 5in long.


Got my first skunking of the year today! Had high hopes going into the day but the water was a little too high. Too bad I couldn't be there this evening........might be prime right now. My plan B and C stunk. Oh well. Felt great to be out and enjoying the warm temps though.
First of 2015


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Nice pics, would upload one but for some reason I can only upload pics to Photos Forum.
"My first of the year came on Friday, but no photos.....except for a stream shot my brother took. It was a whopper of a brook trout that taped out at 5in long"
Would of hung that one on the wall.
Letort- you need to reduce the size of your pics to 150kb or less to be able to post in the forum.