First Annual PAFF Philly Area March Madness Day - March 18

I think we will do West valley. Since I do not know the creek and will be in CA until Friday I will need to rely on McFinn to give us a place to meet at noon Sunday? Since there will only be a handful of us, we'll stay as one group and fish together. I'll schedule Capone's for 5PM. I will call the reservation in later this week so please PM me if you are joining us for "wet down".

Are you are talking about West Valley along Clover Mill Road? If so the stream has been getting fished a good bit later in the afternoon it seems. I drive home that way from work M-F a little past 3:00 PM and there has been cars at each parking spot most every day. That said this past Saturday and Sunday between 11:00 AM and Noon not a single car was there except for one and the weather was pretty good this weekend.

I may join you Sunday if my son does not need his chauffer to get to work on Sunday.

Isn't there a FiveGuys off 202 near VF? Might need a greasy double cheeseburger for breakast. Meet to fish wherever works for you guys. I'll be coming from W.Norriton.
I've never been to West Valley. Is there a main parking area where we can meet or is it all pulls offs?

No one parking area, a series of pull offs (4 or 5) along the creek. Some pull offs will hold 3 cars and some 2 cars. Not sure if you know that the Downingtown Orvis store is not very far from the creek. You could meet there and car pool over if you think parking may be tight.

Dotman, that's an excellent suggestion. Thank you.

Okay guys, we will meet at the Downingtown Orvis lot around noon Sunday. we'll decide how to go from there.
Looks like I have to take my son to work at 2:00 on Sunday so I won't make it. Ya'll should go in to the Orvis store and browse around. They have a board up with local stream conditions and whats hatching.

Hope ya'll enjoy, it's a nice little creek thanks to Valley Forge TU and the West Chester Fish, Game & Wildlife Assocation.

At least I won't be the only Newb! 😛int:

Jimbo87 wrote:
Well, as long as you guys don't mind a newb hanging around I'm game!
Haha, no sir you won't be! I have never actually fished West Valley...only walked across once to get to a lake/pond/reservoir on the other side it to go after bass that are in there.

That being's tiny. I haven't spent much time walking up and down it so it may open up to a few holes, but from what I remember, it's tiny.

In any event it should be a good time! Looking forward to meeting you guys.
Hey I'm still trying to go but its getting iffy...

I have to catch a flight at 6pm outta Philly on Sunday, so if anything I could only fish.

The other issue is my GF is giving me crap about doing stuff together and all I do is go fishing when I'm off work...maybe I should teach her how to cast a fly hahah. Anyway since I'm going on a trip with out her maybe I shouldn't over do it by fishing Sunday...I'll get a read this weekend and let you guys know by Saturday night
Yeah i hate to say it, but my afternoon isn't looking good either.

Enjoy the day and post a report of how it went!
My brother and I are still planning on meeting FoxGap and whoever else at Orvis on Sunday a little before 12. We'll only be fishing as I have prior commitments for the late afternoon.
Noon... Orvis Downingtown... Got it. I'll be the battered looking dude with an ice pack on my head and at least one cheeseburger sticking to my vest.
Back from the other coast and ready to go. I'll be at the Orvis lot around noon tomorrow. Look forward to it.
In for some fishing on my own at around oneish (I have an earlier committment)...then to Capones to meet up 4:30 or 5 ish?...

Looking forward to it.