Financial Troubles May Loom for Fish and Boat Commission

Maurice wrote:
acristickid wrote:
TB- just to be clear, I mean the booklet that lists all the stocking info that the state reps have their name and face on not the regs booklet that comes with your license.

I believe the Reps print those at the cost of their office, albiet stil public money. It always baffled me why they would print the stockings from EVERY county and hand them out locally. I always thought what a waste.

I've never seen or even heard of those. What an odd concept.

Do all the legislators have these booklets?

I think what Paul and I are talking about are not booklets but just 3/8" thick piles of 8.5" x 11" papers of all the stockings of every county in PA.
And silence. Hilarious!
You gotta respect any legislator who goes out of the way to court the truck-chaser vote!
The issue here is not whether the PFBC should do something. We are past that point and "something"or somethings is/are going to happen.

My concerns are:

Can the PFBC do enough on its own to right its fiscal course or will it need outside (ie legislative) assistance/approvals?

If it needs outside assistance, what will it have to give up? (Submit to IRRC? Thereby introducing more politics into what should be a purely scientific conservation and enforcement agency)

Is the PFBC being transparent enough and are they communicating the issues effectively to the angling public and to the elected officials who will ultimately guide this process.

See it would be nice if the PFBC was a business because then you would get your walmart effect. Low low prices and a cheap product. Problem is that fishing isn't a product its a passion. And its one we all would like to pass on to future generations instead of throwing it away after we are done with it. Clean, self sustaining fisheries require stewardship and funds to maintain. Just like a quality made family heirloom that you pass down. Value is not only weighed in the upfront cost but also in the enduring worth of years of care. I dont know if intrinsic value is a concept that many in this throw away, me first, i want it now society understand nowadays. Here's hoping.
TimRobinsin wrote:

If it needs outside assistance, what will it have to give up? (Submit to IRRC? Thereby introducing more politics into what should be a purely scientific conservation and enforcement agency)

Are you saying the PFBC is a "purely scientific conservation and enforcement agency" at this time?
Hence the "should be" preface.

Like many agencies the FBC is trying to fill the various roles charged to its comission. However, we know "you cant be all things to all people." So the question might be: "what CAN they be?" In other words what are the fundemental issues that many, most perhaps all anglers and boaters can agree on?

Clear and practical rules that afford fair enforcement?
Propagation of sustainable fish populations?
Affordable fees of use?
Transparent reporting and allocation of appropriated funds?

The list could go on but it seems like now is a great opportunity for the FBC to open up widely public lines of communication to all parties involved to begin to design a strategy and form a new blueprint for our angling future.

I want to say a lot has changed over the years but i know that for as much as things change they also stay the same. Some of these issues have been around for a long time and others are relatively new. What the FBC has is a golden opportunity to lead the way in transparent government by allowing the public to participate more in the future of our sport.

At least, thats what my hopey/changey heart thinks.

Makes think of billy ray cyrus- "dont tell my heart, my hopey changey heart..." oh god, is it too early for a beer? Nope!
Man i just looked at that response.

I gotta stop pcraying myself, dam!
As a county government employee I thank those that are defending the WCO officers pay and benefits. I am personally attacked by people on almost a bi-weekly basis about where I work, the money I make, and the retirement I get. It gets tiring. I am sure the WCO's, and state troopers here this constantly as well.

Thank you again.

As far as consolidation, take a look at Virginia and West Virginia. How do they manage their budgets and how do they run. The funny thing about Virginia, when I call for a conservation officer, I get at least one. Maybe two. Yes, they all have their own take home vehicles, they will respond as an on call basis, and no, they don't seem to be broke as an agency. So they must be doing something right.
Hi Charlie,
Interesting note about Virginia since their legislature passed a law in 2000 that gives game and fisheries 2% of the estimated sales tax revenue that hunters, anglers and wildlife watchers spend in their state every year. They capped it at $13M and they have been getting the cap every year since 2000. Think of it as a reinvestment in fish and wildlife conservation and recreation.

I have been advocating the Virginia model for PA for the last 5 years that I have been Director. Finally getting some interest but not enough. REP. Dan Moul from Adams County has agreed to to offer a similar Bill in PA but hasn't happened yet. HOPEFULLY CO-sponsorship memo out soon. Should could use sportsmen's support. Get your local legislators to sign on! Right now the sales tax money (6%) on fishing equipment and purchases which total $1.1 billion, with a B, a year for fishing alone, goes into the general fund and used for other things. I think it is about time the we begging reinvesting in our business much like we subsidize other businesses where customers spend money throughout our Commenwealth.

FishTales wrote:
I have been advocating the Virginia model for PA for the last 5 years that I have been Director. Finally getting some interest but not enough. REP. Dan Moul from Adams County has agreed to to offer a similar Bill in PA but hasn't happened yet. HOPEFULLY CO-sponsorship memo out soon. Should could use sportsmen's support. Get your local legislators to sign on! Right now the sales tax money (6%) on fishing equipment and purchases which total $1.1 billion, with a B, a year for fishing alone, goes into the general fund and used for other things. I think it is about time the we begging reinvesting in our business much like we subsidize other businesses where customers spend money throughout our Commenwealth.

Good luck with this initiative - it's a good idea and I think would be widely supported (a tough thing to find these days).
I live in Moul's district and will let him know of my support.
I would go for that model in a heart beat. It works. I have seen it work. I have also seen them have a zero tolerance for poaching, most of their rules are simple, and I feel in the long run they have better fisheries because of it. Oh, and I was also able to buy a lifetime license that is valid weather I still live in that state or not.