FFP Online Catalog



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008

FYI -- to anybody who purchases stuff from Fly Fishers Paradise in State College, their catalog is online now at www.flyfishersparadiseonline.com For those who don't tie their own flies, like me, I buy all my flies from FFP, imo opinion the best around. I have found Steve to be very trustworthy to deal with.
Wish I could say the same.
SBecker wrote:
Wish I could say the same.

Ditto. Went in there once. Basically said 'Here is my wallet, find me something that fits my needs' and was blown off.

Their loss. I've spent enough money down the road to be on a first name basis with the staff.
I find that amazing, I have known Steve since 1992 and he was always a great and informative guy to me. This was long before TCO exisited. It is hard for those guys to compete for fly sales I believe because of all oversees fly catalogs. I still beleive they have alot of good materials at good prices that you can't get at TCO. I have to say that I know the former partner of his use to rub people the wrong way from time to time.
Nah I just had one yell at me over the phone, when I called to see if they were willing to match a price on something. Not, hey sorry we can not, just a straight out temper tantrum. Even when he yelled at me and told me no, I was still willing to order from them, if they could give me free shipping. I think I was 5$ away from what their normal free shipping was. Like 200$ or somthing. He began screaming at me again, and I just Hung up.
Shane I don't know who you talked to but Steve is top notch IMHO.
SBecker wrote:
....he yelled at me and told me no...

Yet another reason to like Steve Sywensky. :lol:

I have never had a poblem with Steve, has always been nice to me. Can't say a much for a couple of his employes, they are both gone now so no problem anymore.

I don't know who I spoke to, Steve or another, but it soured me enough to never go back.

Customer Service is #1 in my book.
I can't say that I don't agree with Wsender, some of the guys in the past have rubbed people the wrong way and as a customer it can easily sour someone. I have had alot of positive experiences with most of the guys there. However I know a fair share of people who had more than a few run ins with some people. SS was not one of them though. I would buy from them anytime because they still support the local fisheries and do provide local knowledge to people and the fishing community. NTM SS has always been active in TU and donated alot of stuff over the years. I would buy from them over a big box store anyday.
FFP and Steve gave me an enormous amount of help when I started getting serious about this sport. I buy most of my gear through them. Unfortunately (for them), I don't need much these days. I remain loyal and when I have larger purchases to make I usually do it through them. Never have I been disappointed in the service.

Mail order is sent the day of the order and often arrives the next day, with a handwritten note attached. Even though I haven't talked to them in months, they recognize my voice on the phone, and ask me how a purchase I made years ago is working out. Pleasant to talk to and open with advice, they'll sit down and teach you how to tie a fly, draw you a map when you ask about a place, etc. They'll talk you down in price if they think a cheaper product will work better for you. When you ask for stream conditions, they tell it like it is, and I've had many times where they told me I should cancel or postpone a trip because things just weren't happening at the moment.

The Feathered Hook is the only other shop I've been in that even comes close, IMO.

I've never been a big fan of TCO. It's not that they've been rude or anything like that. I've always found them to be knowledgable and friendly, and I've never had what you'd call a bad experience. They just seem to be more of a money making operation, with the classic salesman-customer relationship, rather than the "friend" relationship of the shops above.

They carry expensive products and try to sell you stuff. The flies are of relatively low quality. If you ask for advice, they push the main stretch on their main stream, instead of listening what kind of experience you're looking for. If you call and ask for conditions, things are always "on fire", and all of their "feature" streams are the best thing sinced sliced bread 365 days per year.

Fly shops are one business where I appreciate the "friend" relationship. If I want a salesman-customer relationship with good prices and classic customer service, I'll go to Cabelas. The purpose of fly shops is for the personal aspect. And I'll reward that with purchases.
"A money making operation?" I guess if I owned a retail business that would be my goal too. Everyone has different experiences with fly shops. TCO has always treated me very well.
I'm surprised by the negative comments about FFP.
Steve isn't a BS'er for sure - and I like that.
If the fishing sucks - he says so.
In fact, he tends to downplay the conditions IMO.
I remember several times stopping there, and was told the dryfly fishing was lousy. And I promptly went out and caught like 20 fish.

I stopped in the TCO shop for the first time this past year - to get some hooks that FFP was out of. And it is certainly a nice place too.
But FFP still gets my support when I'm in the area
dryflyguy wrote:
I'm surprised by the negative comments about FFP.

Why would you be surprised by the negative comments? All business's give bad service at some point or another. Unfortunately, I had a horrible experience. Not saying this Steve guy is not nice, but whomever I dealt with was horrible.
SBecker wrote:
dryflyguy wrote:
I'm surprised by the negative comments about FFP.

Why would you be surprised by the negative comments? All business's give bad service at some point or another. Unfortunately, I had a horrible experience. Not saying this Steve guy is not nice, but whomever I dealt with was horrible.

I've been dealing with FFP for almost 30 years now.
And I've never come out of there thinking that I got rotten service - no matter who was in there at the time.
I would also think that especially now - with good competition just down the road - they would be sure to treat customers with respect
You would think, huh? I thought the same thing! I asked them if they would match the price that TCO was offering on a Renzetti Traveler vice. Wondering if mentioning the competition got to them? But me calling and asking them, should have clued them in, to the fact I was going to buy from them. Meh
I wouldn't worry about it. They are a good shop and sometimes even good shops pi$$ of customers from time to time. I hear you SB, there is nothing wrong with asking if they will price match. Atleast you gave them the opportunity to match. I have no problem with that. They can either do it or they can't. i know I would rather make a sale and make 30% then lose one and get nothing. Like I said they were good to me, but the old partial owner use to rub me the wrong way sometimes. In todays market there is plenty of places to get equipment. I am amazed that shops like FFP and even TCO for that matter even exist. 99% of the time you can find better deals on line or even used on swap forums. I know for years I use to get all my rods 2nd hand because I could get a $600 rod for $250. No different today.
I think the moral of this story is even good people and good shops and businesses can have a bad day. When you work in retail, I know my dad owns a battery shop in South Williamsport, you have good days and a few bad ones. You try to treat everyone with respect and dignity but every now and again you don't. I think if a shop has a pattern of doing that then you should stay away but not necessarily for one bad experience. Just try to think back when you had a rough day and barked at someone who didn't deserve it.
I prefer FFP over any other shop and still consider it my "home shop". I must admit thought that I haven't had all good experiences. Some of my earliest trips made me cringe to go back. But once I began to go more regularly, things got better. They are very free with their advice and are especailly glad to sit down and show you a tying or rigging technique. A few of the staff, can however be forceful with their opinions. I also think Pcray hit it on the head. I like the TCO shop for their friendly service and cool selections. But it's also alot of high prices and slick salesmanship, and they push the whole guiding business a little more than I'd like.