FFing is dying

"You can’t fly fish Erie cause of all the anglers."

nuts there is water to fish.
the late run accompanied by low water move the fish to bigger waters this ear early. Just like the fish you have to adapt. Lot of us up here kept things under our hat as to where the fish were.
The fly show in NJ.com has had to move to a bigger venue ... not sure if there is more attendance or just more marketing...
After the apocalypse only fly fisherman will survive. Cause;

Simply the best
better then all the rest
better then anyone

Are you training the next generation to survive?
acristickid wrote:
You can’t fly fish Erie cause of all the anglers.

Yogi Berra: "Nobody Goes There Anymore, It's Too Crowded."

Mike wrote:
Meanwhile, despite global warming, many of our wild trout populations are expanding in Pa, occupying streams that have not harbored trout for years, extending their longitudinal ranges in streams where populations already existed, or improving in density. After all, Pa is not called Penn's Woods for nothing. Leave riparian areas undisturbed and you eventually get shade. Wait a decade or two and moderate shade densities shift to extensive shade. Tack on the gradual recovery that is ongoing in a number of streams degraded by mining and those that have shifted from ag to light suburban developments with proper stormwater management and the glass is definitely half full or better. Finally, when I started working in my fisheries management region in 1980 thousands of miles of riparian buffers and stream bank fencing in agricultural areas was a dream of mine, a big pipe dream, but now look at what has happened across Pa.

following on from my comments above, again my experience is that concerning here in PA, that Mike is right - i have three stocked trout sections within an hour of me, Valley Creek and another new creek for wild trout and I see plenty of anglers about - 50% of which i'd say were in their twenties or thirties, particularly on the White Clay, where I've met young guys from Oxford, PA and even some guys from Lancaster

so i'd say, stock it and they will come. likewise improve habitat and people will fish and travel moderately to fish.

I would really like to see the PFBC winter stock both the white clay and another stream like Octararo for us guys right in the corner of SEPA.
I agree with Mike. Fishing in PA for trout is so much better than it was in the 70s and 80s when I grew up. The put-and-take fishery was EVERYTHING back then. And while it isn't perfect today, the state's trout fishery has definitely improved the opportunities to fish over wild trout. Especially in southwestern PA which has been a virtual desert for wild trout in decades past. In the past 10 years, I've caught wild fish in streams that have been suffering with AMD, warm temps and poor agricultural practices in the past. Certain stretches of Laurel Hill Creek and many of its feeder tribs and well as tribs to the Yough (that shall remain nameless)... and many others. I'm looking forward to the future, actually. Especially if we continue to have wet summers!
greenghost wrote:

Fishing in PA for trout is so much better than it was in the 70s and 80s when I grew up. The put-and-take fishery was EVERYTHING back then.

People caught plenty of wild trout in the 1970s and 1980s.

Both native brook trout and wild brown trout.

In most cases when people caught wild browns they didn't realize that was what they were catching. They called them "holdovers," assuming they were hatchery fish that had "colored up" because they "were in the creek a long time."

rrt wrote:

Well, heck, you can still fart!

At you guys' ages, I'm surprised you still trust farts.
Bottled water!

No rebuttal.
Why is it that it seems like the people that work in fly shops/have a forum or are manufactures of fly gear would put out this information? Somehow I think were being trolled into buying more equipment.

P.S. Might I add "right before Christmas"

Afish: what do you want for Christmas?
Greg, I started seeing this shift in the mid 1990's. It was ignored by most of the group I was associated with. In pa. around 1996, Pa. license sales decreased around 81,000 sales. This was the alarm sounding off. Fish Commission was on verge of bankrupt. Was at those important meetings. If i remember, the meeting was at the Seig center, on Fishing Creek at Lamar or Spring Creek Bellfonte. Not important. What was important, no-one wanted to talk about youth involvement. I suggested stocking 3rd. st. bridge. Central in the city of Wmspt. Pa. People could walk or ride bikes. Overturned. I suggested to raise the limit, at that time 8 to 14. Overturned. Limit was decreased to 5. Why 5?, Commission was in so much trouble, they had to shut down hatcheries. This is the gospel. Some might suggest I am wrong. Hatcheries shut down from pollution to streams. It is simply not the truth at this time. Bankrupt. To fix the problem on hand fast. Hatcheries were shut down. What led to the 81,000 decrease in one year. I don't know. Seems fish comm. should see this coming. As posted in a forum from maxima12. John Arway, the crown jewel of Pa. Fish and boat. in my mind has saved Pa. from disaster. You know, we have a time before season opens, when children can fish with a parent or guardian. Sadly, I hear from fishermen they don't like this. They say the parents are catching the fish, not the children. You can't please everyone. On my maxima12 topics. First letter, is fishing going to last. Might seem like I am crazy. Maybe. E Hille's railway st. GONE. Pa. Outdoor Wharehouse. GONE. Fran Betters Adirondack sport Shop. GONE. Fred Reese fly shop. Hope you guessed it. And many more. It's not the end, only the beginning. Here's one for thought, don't watch the outdoor fishing channels. They make you satisfied. In that time spent watching tv, you could take a child fishing, teach fly tying, cast a rod in the back yard. Put a cup out there. Say, give you a buck if you can put the fly in that cup. I earned a couple that way. Make a lure, Make a rig. so the bottom line will be. you only get back what you put in.
max12- I remember when you offered and sent leaders to board members if I recall correctly, 4-6 years ago.

Unfortunately any brick and mortar stores are not immune. Sears gone too.