FEW Lehigh dam capacity question for those who may know

From the sounds of things, when lobbying to PFBC, you may want to tow a sparkly boat and wear an obnoxiously loud bass tournament shirt or they may not listen to ya.
Yeah, LR, thanks for the info. I knew generally that the big problem was always the lack of release capabilities at FEW. Just didn't know how much of a factor keeping the height at 1370 this late in the summer played in cool water coming out of the bottom. And I guess the answer is that it's not really cooling much at all as you explained .


Here is the kicker....if the lake was raised to 1390 ft and there was no need for the high volume whitewater releases or flood control releases and the Corps could release water at a fairly steady rate (say, 300-600 cfs), the coldwater would last MUCH longer through the summer and around early August the coldwater would run out.

Currently we run out of coldwater around mid-July, sooner this year because of June being so wet.

I recall in 2002 (if memory serves me correctly), during a drought season, the DRBC asked the Corps to fill the lake up to 1392 ft to help augment flows in the Delaware to beat back the saltline in Trenton. I had some great July and August fishing with Slate drakes in the evenings during that summer. The flows were perfect, the water was cool and the bugs were hatching....and the trout feeding. That is what turned me on with that river. But by mid August the coldwater ran out and the river warmed up to the low-mid 70s.
The coldwater pool may be depleted soon, but the tribs, which are the lifeblood of the Lehigh, have nice flows, and will help cool the river some.

Enough what-ifs about the dam. We will not see any major changes in our lifetimes.

That is not really a bad thing. I love the river just as it is.
Can anyone make any sense out of this

FEW Water Release Update

How does a flow of 100cfs from the end of July to the end of August help the fishery?
HD - That is 100cfs over inflow up to 300cfs. So if 200cfs were coming into the reservoir and the reservoir is at 1370' the Corps will release 300cfs. Despite the fact the cold water is gone, an augmentation of 100cfs which is what the Corps is doing, does in fact help the fishery imo. That said, I don't like the 'fishery release' designation they give these releases. They should be called 'biological release' or something along those lines since some anglers might misconstrue these releases to mean a good fishing release, when any anglers knows the trout fishing in the Lehigh most years during the summer months is less than optimal.
And the reason why the releases have to be called "fisheries" releases is tied to the "recreation" purpose designation for FEW.

If our bureaucrats would change the purpose or include "conservation" as a designation for FEW, then it would be a completely different ball game.

Part of the issue with FEW is the designated purposes - 1) Flood Control and 2) Recreation.

Adding a "conservation" designation is just one of the changes needed at FEW. This is where the PFBC needs to start politicking with our federal lawmakers.
at the low fisheries input does the Lehigh ever get so small you could easily cross it?
k-Bob -> Yes. 400-500cfs from the dam is the upper limit of wading. Of course it depends how aggressive of a wader you are. So somewhat relative numbers.
I throw the chicken switch and bail on much water at all... :). but there are some tiny tribs thatd be easier to fish if I could cross the Lehigh round white haven. I have zero experience fish in the Lehigh is that fisheries level so low that I won't be run down by rafters? they just quit? thanks
They do not put in above White Haven. I cross the Lehigh a lot when the water drops to non ripping levels. You have to have some cajones and be familiar with the river. I am not familiar with the upper section wading wise at all. If I was you, I would check it out at a low point and have a back up plan if you can not cross where you want to. Also, pay attention to releases. Would hate for you to get stuck on the opposite side.
right the Lehigh looks like the amazon compared to many places I fish. thanks for info