Feathered Hook Spring Extravaganza 3/16/13



New member
Sep 4, 2012
I just got back from fishing around the State college and Coburn area today. I stopped by the Feathered Hook to talk with Jonas. Interesting news! The Hook is holding the spring extravaganza again this year on March 16. The details are listed below. It sound like a great cure for cabin fever! I can’t wait hope and I to see you there at the Hook!

Saturday March 16 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Free food and drink

Guest Speakers topics
• Central PA fishing
• Arkansas fishing
• Streamer Fishing
• Euro Nymph fishing
• Soft hackle Tying and Fishing

Manufactures Reps on site
• Hardy
• Redington
• Rio
• Simms

Specials and doors prizes throughout the day

Rooms for Friday and or Saturday are still available call Jonas at the Hook
one of these years I'm gonna make it there for one of his events, I've heard nothing but great things about them.
I expect to be there, didn't miss one yet.

John, Hope to see you there!
That would be great.
Shoot me an email
Thanks for posting the date, I am making it a point to attend this year. I plan on chasing some browns on Penns after.
Planning on heading up for a bit and then back home by 5. See some of you there!
I'm looking forward to it.
Had a good time, even got a door prize. Simms split foam fly box. :-D
Missed it. Sick. How was the weather?