feather identification



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
what bird to these belong to
the longest one is about 6 inches long
wow my cell phone takes a good pic....
any flytying uses for them?
no they are federaly protected don't even pic up..ypo can be fined over 10'000 for each + jail time. GET RID OF THEM....i was wrong on the ID they are OWL Feathers..
I was gonna say maybe pheasant but hawk or owl came to mind too. I had a screech owl get killed on the road in front of my house when i lived in Liverpool Pa. i tried for three years to get someone to mount it for me, no one would, so i made a neat necklace out of the talons, while visiting the Game commision booth at the Port Royal fairgrounds when they saw that they flipped out and i had to give it to them or they were gonna arrest me on the spot......i gave it up and i honestly didn't think i did anything wrong , but that is the law.
they kinda look like the osprey tail feathers on your avatar but ill get rid of em i found em on the ground @ bobs creek last sunday there was a ton of em......
Bobs is one of my favorites and above pavia there are all kinds of wild critters , the very first time i saw a coyote was at the parking lot right where you turn onto the road to cox's monument.
i found them at the baseball field not too far from the park entrance....