Favorite Winter Search Nymph

Mrmustard- it's a brown olive ice dub on the bigger stone, and UV Tan on the little guy.

Lv2nymph - that's a sweet tie dude, live the translucency of that bug!!!
Love using big stones in the winter as well. Caught my best brownie on some last year. I like the Loren Williams version that has rubber legs as well.

I tie a few variations of that fly and like to use hares ear dubbing on them. I like the legs on your pattern and will have to try it some time.
i like a hare and copper....simple tie,

hares ear well picked out (with or without a fur or soft hackle collar too)
copper wire rib,
copper bead.
you can weight the body too
10-14 hook.

or a 10-14 senyos wiggle stone in peacock.
Top right and bottom center are peacock.
right side is size 14
Iv'e had some good success with Copper Johns with red or black wire this winter season - size 14. When the water is murky I had to switch to something a little bigger (streamer)....The Chartruce and white was a nice ticket.
Isn't that pattern called a Casual Dressed Nymph? I fish them in freestoners and they are effective at catching small and LARGE trout. In the summer they're absolutely devistating when trout are looking up. Also carp love em!
I never really thought about that, I started tying them from some dark brown mink the wife picked up at a yard sale. I was looking for a one material fast tie and it fit the bill nicely.Polly Rosborough's fly is a different color and tied with muskrat fur and ostrich herl, but I can see where you can make the connection.