Favorite Pictures

Maurice and I were on Muddy Creek about eight years ago one June afternoon dodging thunderstorms. Not a lot of trout, but some great images for me that afternoon.

Good stuff Dave!!!!
Nice pics guys. GG
ALlby and CSoult with our Bighorn Guide

One with Alby and no CSoult

dkile wrote:
Maurice and I were on Muddy Creek about eight years ago one June afternoon dodging thunderstorms. Not a lot of trout, but some great images for me that afternoon.

^The Mo in the mist series of photos are one of my favorite all-time images ever put up on here.
Have any of you photographers figured out how to predict the weather conditions when "shafts of light" are likely to occur?

That sure can lead to good photo ops.

I've run into that condition a few times. It seems like it happened when there was a storm coming through, but then breaking up, as it starts to clear as the storm clouds are moving on.

And maybe around 4 in the afternoon or so?

The TOD for that pic was around 5:20 based on my time stamps from the camera. It was in June 2009. It had poured for 45 minutes and we departed the car and hiked over a mile downstream under the threat of storms. I don't recall ever getting wet but the air was filled with dampness from the recent storm. Here is one of my shots of DKile, I think as it went, I noticed it, took some shots and went and told him about it and we reversed positions and he shot me with the better light box.

Here is some play I did with the shot in Photoshop to sharpen, crop and convert to greyscale to emphasize the composition and eliminate the hazyness.

Even still Dkiles is better.


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I have quite a few "shafts of light" shots from hot, humid summer mornings, around 8-9 a.m. Need some light fog in the ravines, and a dense tree canopy that only allows a few beams of light through the leaves.
Great pics by everyone ! Here's a few of mine.


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A few from over the years...

Black Bear Crossing Below

Shook the wrong branch while on the side of a stream, chased and stung by a few hornets. One got me in the kisser.


Watch your step.


A Friend Upstream


Rainbow on Rainbow Violence (Probably a 21-22 inch bow)


Penns' Stone

That is one freaking awesome stonefly nymph!!!!!

Not the best, but a few iphone pictures I took that I kinda like. Wish I had a real camera for the deer crossing one.

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Hard to narrow it down, here's a few that stir special memories...

Passersby on the Snake River, GTNP. Right place, right time as they floated by this lowly bank fisherman.

Snake River fine spot.

Tuscarora SF native.

Big Spring 'bow.

Self portrait, Michaux SF

Another selfie, Great Smoky NP.
I sometimes wonder why I see wayyyy more Rattlesnakes than Copperheads...Part of that is the areas I tend to fish do have more Rattlers than CH's I think, but part of it too is that even if the CH's are there, I'm probably NOT seeing them. :-o
Saw this last Friday! What a difference a week makes!
A rarity on the way up to God's Country.


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you win in my eyes Tomi--the last to pics are very special..
Happiness....... catching a brook trout on a small stream in Yellowstone.
