Favorite Indicators



Jun 23, 2010
For those of you that do use indicators, do you have a favorite? I've been using the Thingamabobbers but have recently seen the new Fish Pimp Indicators. Thought I might give them a shot too.
Anyone else have a favorite??

Dry flies or yarn.
Thingamabobbers. The fish pimps may cast better though. If I'm using a light / very small nymph rig, I'll use the ol' pinch on foam indies.
In order of preference:

Strike putty
Bright mono
Dry Flies
Pinch on foam
I prefer built in leader-indicators
then, lighting strike
and then a dry fly (water conditions have to be ideal for me)
and then foam pinch ons.
I high-stick without an indicator. When I fish farther out I use Thingamabobbers. They seem to work the best for me.
Tend to use a dry dropper on small streams, or hatch situations on large streams. On large streams when I have no expectation of topwater action, I typically go with a thingamabobber. Both give me a right angle approach, which I like for the situations where I want an indi. The advantage of the thingamabobber is that you aren't gonna soak it and have it go under and it can support more weight.

They're not good for an in-line indi, but in situations that would call for those, I typically don't use any indicator at all and instead tight line/high stick.
I usually use the football indicators from cabelas, but lately ive been using a dry dropper rig. and it has worked out for me on numerous occasions
Has anyone tried the Float Master indicators? I saw the description in the FFP catalog and it made me curious.
I started using the Float Masters for Erie Steelhead this year and like them better than anything else. I'd trade in my Thingamabobbers for Float Masters any day.
15lb amnesia
12lb Hi vis stren
10lb Suffix seige neon tangerine
I like the tear drop style with the slit in the side that I can take off and on the line and just uses a toothpick to attach it to your line. Sad though these seem to no longer exist. I guess if I ever run out I'll probably go with those Float Masters. The Thingamabobbers I just haven't been sold on and the yarn indicators are just way too big and boyant. In my opinion the foam pinch on ones are a joke along with that bio strike. If the indicator can't be adjusted up and down the line then its of no use to me. I'm constantly adjusting my indicator to get the correct depth.
I tried Thingamabobber but I think I like the pinch on foam better
bigjohn58 wrote:
I like the tear drop style with the slit in the side that I can take off and on the line and just uses a toothpick to attach it to your line. Sad though these seem to no longer exist. I guess if I ever run out I'll probably go with those Float Masters. The Thingamabobbers I just haven't been sold on and the yarn indicators are just way too big and boyant. In my opinion the foam pinch on ones are a joke along with that bio strike. If the indicator can't be adjusted up and down the line then its of no use to me. I'm constantly adjusting my indicator to get the correct depth.

The biostrike isn't any good at suspending the flies, so adjustment doesn't matter. I put a few pieces down the leader just for the sake of being able to see it. Let it sink.
My favorite indicator is when she says... "I'm drunk, can you take me home?"

Other than that... Idlewyldes Sindicators work pretty good for me.
I like the twist ons with the rubber ban din the middle if the nymph is not weighted to heavily. Now i am going to use soe new yarn indicators I am about to whip up for weighted multi nymph rigs and see how i like them-won't cast to well but i have particular pools and runs in mind for them.
A green Amnesia butt section is my standby- not just for nymphs, but for all fishing.

It doesn't just indicate takes- it indicates where the %&$## the fly is located. At least roughly.

I don't know how I got along without Amnesia.

As far as bobbers, I figure I might as well fish one with a hook on it.
Does anybody know if you can buy Thingamabobbers in a 5 pack of all one color? I only like using the white ones. Any ideas?
I've seen loose Thingamabobbers for sale at flyshops in a bulk container. You could then pick out all the white ones.