Favorite Hopper patterns

You guys inspired me to tie some hoppers. These are my version of the az wanderer. I think my wings are a little long but other then that im happy for a first attempt. Ill have to tie some other patterns and then go fish them so I can have a favorite. Thanks


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Im still a new FFer and tyer so take this with a grain of salt, but ive had more looks with the mini hopper than the other patterns ive tried. Poop, those should work well. Nice tie!
A Chernobyl green hopper worked suprisingly well on some 7-8 inch smallies in a pond the other day for me, Havent gotten to try them yet on trout.
That's probably my favorite pattern...I tie them as small as 16's and in green, brown, tan and black......great for trout and warm water!

poopdeck wrote:
You guys inspired me to tie some hoppers. These are my version of the az wanderer. I think my wings are a little long but other then that im happy for a first attempt. Ill have to tie some other patterns and then go fish them so I can have a favorite. Thanks
Letort Hopper. Tie some using white deer hair and white wings and use those on bright sunny days. Under those conditions the real hoppers will appear lighter colored and less defined to the trout looking up and under than the hopper appears to you when you hold it in you hand and look down at it. White will provide that illusion

It is not what you see that you need to imitate it is what the trout sees.
1hook wrote:
I am a big hopper guy, love fishing them in the summer. I have tied the classics and some of my own but Right now I have been tying charlie boy hoppers... Super easy, few materials and tested them for the first time last week on finicky fish in clear water and crushed them. That tells me they look good enough in most situations

I have been tying on a standard size 10 dry fly hook and have had good luck with them... I normally tie my hoppers on a lot longer hook but the standards seem to work fine. I do feel like you would benefit on using a hook with a wider gap when tying foam hoppers because of the bulk the foam creates. Sometimes i feel like I miss a few to many with just my standard dry fly hooks.
A really easy hopper pattern is Pete's EZ Hopper. Works great too.

I tied up a few last night in green. I extended the head a bit, though, and it came out looking like a great kadydil pattern.
Nice! Thanks for that link sasquatch. I like the looks of that pattern.
After fishing til near dark last night, I recommend tying the head in white or yellow. Green got very hard to see in dim light! I still like tying the underbody in green, not yellow, but there's definitely a benefit to tying the head more visibly.

I used this pattern on warm water streams to much success, but last night was the first time I used it on trout. I went to a stream that has a strong wild trout population, but is also stocked with rainbows, many of which have survived the spring onslaught this year and are big and healthy. I was rising both browns and bows to the hopper all evening long!