Faulkner Brook



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
I was wondering if anyone here has fished Faulkner Brook in Wayne County? It's listed as a Class A wild rainbow stream, and I'm wondering if it's decent? A PM is always appreciated.
I got two brook trout of out it once. It is small. I have not fished it much as there is a great river next to it with big fish in it.....
Is this the stream that runs through the game land - lower lot - and into the west branch?
Yes, that's the one I was referring to. It sounds like it isn't worth a couple hours drive though.
When I was up there in the end of april, the delaware wasn't fishing very well.
And one cold, windy morning - I decided to give this stream a try. I remembered seeing somewhere that it was supposed to hold some WT - although I didn't remember it's name.
So, I broke out my two weight, and tried casting a beetle on it for a few hours. It is small, without any sizable holes - at least in the first half mile or so stretch of it that I fished.
But I did manage to catch a half dozen small brookies.
No rainbows though.

Definitely not a destination stream - especially that close to the delaware!
I've never fished a class A rainbow stream in PA. With that being said there is a river system in SW NY that is full of wild rainbows. It's a lot like brook trout fishing. The fish are relatively small, there are lots of them, and they hit almost anything. In this river system, the rainbows only live 3-4 years so they rarely get above 12 inches. I'd assume PA class A rainbow streams would be similar, but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. In other words, if you are after a lot of smaller bows, try a freestone class A stream. If you are after a large bow, try a class A spring creek (Big Spring).
Yes I have fished it, it's touted as a rainbow Class A stream, but the one time I fished it, I caught nothing but brookies. Don't be fooled by it's size at the road, most of it is plenty big enough to fish with a fly rod all the way up to the beaver meadows on top.
I once caught an 11 inch brookie just below the beaver meadows in a channel that was 2 feet wide, but all the flow of the stream was in that channel and it was quite deep.
I've fished it a couple of times when the 'D' was blown out and did well, but it's been a while since I fished it.
If you want to go PM me maybe we can go together, I've been wanting to get back there.