fallfish confuse me

The different species / sub- species whatever must have different fighting qualities, as the type I catch in the SEPA waters I fish put up a decent fight.
You guys need to catch some sauger, then you'll change your mind about rock bass.

At least decent sized sticks and wind-caught leaves pull back a bit. Sauger do not... You'll be lucky to get a couple headshakes. Walleye really put them to shame, and that's saying something...
streamerguy wrote:
You guys need to catch some sauger, then you'll change your mind about rock bass.

At least decent sized sticks and wind-caught leaves pull back a bit. Sauger do not... You'll be lucky to get a couple headshakes. Walleye really put them to shame, and that's saying something...

There aren't too many sauger opportunities where I live but I've caught a ton of walleye. I forgot to mention walleye as a terrible fighter..the only redeeming quality over rock bass is how much larger they can grow. Sauger must really suck because walleye are terrible.
Yeah. It's pretty bad when walleye are the better fighting fish in the conversation. Not by that much, but they still are.

I like sauger......I think they're a cool looking fish. They just don't fight. At all
Walleye are brutal fighters. The only reason to fish for them is that they taste good.
Good call on walleye! I can at least put fallfish above them in terms of fight. I've only caught a few on fly, but two were on my 4 wt, and still didn't pull much. And these were solid 17-18" fish.
Fallfish seem to like to come right at you when they are hooked then when they get to your feet they seem to fight the best.I have caught several over 20in before and very common to get them in the 15 to 18in range.Yea there nothing special but a lot better than getting skunked.