Fall trout regulations

I don't believe across the board C&R protection is warranted on wild trout water in Pennsylvania. I also do not believe that a healthy, garden variety wild brook trout stream in Cameron County should of necessity be managed under the same harvest regs as a similar stream in say, Lancaster County. Or that a low biomass/larger average fish size brook trout population in Schuylkill or Clearfield County or wherever, should be managed the same as either the stream in Cameron or Lancaster County.

I reject the argument that we need to shy away from additionally complicating regs. I think they should be at a minimum, watershed-specific and preferably, where it makes sense, stream specific. If we have enough going on between our ears to get a spoon to our mouth to give us the calories we can convert into energy to depress a gas pedal to get us to the creek, we can learn to make a habit of checking the reg book to see what it says about the stream we plan to fish. And I guess I'd add that the usual objection that "guys won't bother doing this" doesn't hold much water with me. Some guys don't pay any attention to this stuff now and I think most anglers want to obey the law.

I see no real reason not to manage our streams more specifically.

This way, we could manage (just as examples, and not necessarily what I might advocate) our Cameron County creek, which is popping with 6" fish and fewer larger individuals, for 3 or 4 or even 5 fish under an 8" maximum size harvest reg. We could manage our Lancaster County stream, which is in good shape but sees more harvest-oriented traffic, for say, 2 fish over 7" and our low biomass/bigger fish creek some other way (not sure how I might do this one..).

Just my view..
Snow is now in play in Erie. Go Steelers!
All wild trout waters are catch and release after labor day. The downstream of Approved Trout Waters are open to fishing until March 1 if they have wild trout on a C & R basis. After March 1 ATW are closed until 8 am opening day.
Stocked waters (ATW) have a 3 fish limit from Labor day until March 1 and are closed from March 1 until opening day. SEPIA streams open the last weekend of March, all other streams open on the 1st Saturday after April 11.
So much for simplification of the regs.
Well, as follow-up, I called again today to Meadville and asked again about the regs during trout season and got the answer that Maurice, Dave, Jack, and others have said. I will forget that conversation I had this spring and chalk it up as a bad dream. I swear I was sober during it.

I also want to say my I think that the incident I had at East Hickory involved mainly a trainee getting it wrong. I have never seen a WCOs travel in pairs like that and as soon as the other WCO was involved, she encouraged the other WCO who had written the citation to take my advice and check the signs and call in to check the regs. I think there was some training and education going on. It was a very civil encounter and I have nothing but respect for WCOs. She apologized several times after the other WCO made his comment.

I would apologize for stirring the pot, but I know someone would call me out on that one, too. :-D