Fall Striper run Successful/Unsuccessful thread



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
This thread is for successful/unsucessful stories of this years fall run . So share those stories people Saltwater Insurgents for life

I went out last tuesday night in the yak in the back bays caught lots of 18-22" stripers that were feeding on silversides go to fly was a 1/0 olive over white clouser . I took some photos I will try and post them later. Anyone else been out ?

Not really chasing the run per se but have been struggling to find the same quality of schoolie fishing locally as last fall. Been to Kent Narrows a few times and while I've probably caught 50+ fish only 3 have been over 12" and none over 16".

I've been completely shut out on the Potomac too. But I have caught a ton of big crappie and a walleye. My usual weeknight spot is near a bridge and the lights draw baitfish and schoolies, this year the lights are burned out. Not seeing the schools of minnows just a few here and there. But man, the crappie fishing is still awesome. I've caught 4 over 13" this fall.
Here are some pics

sarce wrote:
Not really chasing the run per se but have been struggling to find the same quality of schoolie fishing locally as last fall. Been to Kent Narrows a few times and while I've probably caught 50+ fish only 3 have been over 12" and none over 16".

I've been completely shut out on the Potomac too. But I have caught a ton of big crappie and a walleye. My usual weeknight spot is near a bridge and the lights draw baitfish and schoolies, this year the lights are burned out. Not seeing the schools of minnows just a few here and there. But man, the crappie fishing is still awesome. I've caught 4 over 13" this fall.

Still sounds like a blast to me
I was debating heading to the beach house this weekend. I was on the fence but this report makes me think the drive may be worth the fuel.
Yeah, definitely still a good time Fred. One time recently my dad came with me and I got him into his first stripers ever. He didn't care that they were small.

And giant crappie at night within sight of the Washington Monument and Pentagon just never gets old.
BrookieChaser wrote:
I was debating heading to the beach house this weekend. I was on the fence but this report makes me think the drive may be worth the fuel.

Things may be just starting to happen. The water temps are still on the high side, but some bait in close may bring in some fish. Looks like decent temps and west winds this weekend. If I had a shore house I'd be there for the weekend.

Here are the reports>



And a video from Betty & Nicks


Nice work....as long as the fish count exceeds the broken rod count. :-o :-D

My buddy that lives on Long Island said it's been straight fire in the river by his house. Fish up to 30#
I've always found November to be the prime month for stripers in the fall. I haven't been out yet this fall but I was extremely happy with the spring.
I fish the surf mainly Sandy Hook to Long Branch and yesterday pm drove that stretch and didn't see anyone fishing because so far the fishing has been awful. The only exception has been schoolie bass sometimes and an occasional shot at albies Reports from Long Island are encouraging so there is hope
The week prior to Thanksgiving and the week after are usually the best in the Sandy Hook Area, across to Rockaway, down to Schrewsbury Rocks and as far as Belmar, although the Belmar boats often come north at that time. So, there is still lots of time for a good run to develop, but the questions that remain are will there be enough stripers overall for enough strays to make it to shore or will there be enough bait close to shore to cause more stripers to follow? The stripers will migrate, but which routes will see the heavy use will be interesting. Good luck out there.
some of my best striper fishing is after thanksgiving to end of dec.
Heading down to the beach house late Friday evening. Water temps are still a tad warm but have been hearing about 30 inchers being pulled in off the beaches. Should be any day now (hopefully) that we get some more consistent numbers. Ocean conditions look favorable Sunday and Monday. Will be heading out of Barnegat Inlet.

Last years fall run was upsetting. Hoping for a good one this year.
streamrunner89 wrote:
Heading down to the beach house late Friday evening.

Make sure you wash the salt off that Tacoma when you get back. Wax it while you're at it already will ya.
The fish have been in the rivers and on the South side of L.I. for about 10 days now. Sooner or later they will get the push down across the Raritan Bay. Right now some folks are catching decent fish in low light periods and at night. Rumor has it that sand eels have moved close to shore.
Word on the beach is the sand eels are close to shore . I will be getting out a few times this week and let everyone what I find .
Fredrick wrote:
I will be getting out a few times this week and let everyone what I find .

Thanks. I'm curious to hear what you see. Still hoping to pull a trip to the NJ shore later this month.
Mike wrote:
The week prior to Thanksgiving and the week after are usually the best in the Sandy Hook Area, across to Rockaway, down to Shrewsbury Rocks and as far as Belmar, although the Belmar boats often come north at that time. So, there is still lots of time for a good run to develop, but the questions that remain are will there be enough stripers overall for enough strays to make it to shore or will there be enough bait close to shore to cause more stripers to follow? The stripers will migrate, but which routes will see the heavy use will be interesting. Good luck out there.

Read Mike's post above > it's all you need to know about the annual striper migration.

As Mike wrote, the striper run will pass by NJ, it's just a matter if their route will take them close to shore or off-shore.

There's not a whole lot of good striper reports north of us right now and the NJ shore is far from hopping (hoping is more like it).

If they don't show, many will claim the striper population has crashed, but every run is different each season and the angler successes or failures during the run does not necessarily reflect anything about fluctuations in the population of stripers.

The next few weeks will tell the tale....here's hoping...Good luck to all.
As of Thursday still pretty slow on the beach with some small stripers only. Boats are doing better with larger fish.
If you are curious about the migration and routes being taken, there are a slew of tagged stripers along the route with tags that can be detected by fixed ocean monitoring devices. The units were first set up for Atlantic Sturgeon monitoring, but stripers coming from the Chesapeake and heading up the coast were added. You may be able to locate the project and its maps that allow you to follow the fishes' annual return ( southern migration)by going to the VIMS ...Virginia Institute of Marine Science...web site or by searching elsewhere with a more generalized search. I have not looked at the maps since, but I saw them in a presentation a few yrs ago soon after the project began and some data were available. The maps showed the nearly real time progression of the tagged fish. I don't recall the range of the receivers, but as time progressed and tests were run more receivers were added at key locations where fish had been avoiding detection.