Expectations for wading boots

No. The expensive ones will likely outlast your cheapo's, and give you better performance (comfort, stability, traction) than your cheapos too.

But they won't last enough longer to make the $ per hour work out to your advantage. So, if it's pure cost, stay with cheapo's. If it's cost + performance, the expensive pairs aren't as much more expensive as they seem, but they are still more expensive. So a Simms $200 pair is 10 times more expensive than your $20 cheapo's, but it'll last maybe 5 times as long, so it's only twice as expensive per hour of fishing.

At least that's what I've found for me. YMMV. I'm still looking for those mid-priced things that last longer than their price tag suggests they should. Decent quality without the huge brand name markup. I liked Chota boots for a long time, but they're getting up there with the Simms of the world in price.
Wait, I have to do math...? :lol: No, I see your point.

When you find the pair with that magical happy medium, let me know!
i find wading boots last me about the same amount of time as most foot wear.

i have soles last a little longer by putting sheet metal screws in.
I had a pair of Chotas that didn't last a year, so for me at any price they were a loser.